While the others were busy with figuring out what had exactly transpired not so long ago, Carlos was observing the people at the dinner table and he notices that someone seemed to be missing. "I thought Antoinette was with you? Where is she," he asks, looking at the prince. Eric sighs deeply, looking sad and disappointed. "She's gone with her. We don't know where they went."

Mal crosses her arms fiercely and takes a step forward in her big heeled purple boots. "We will find out and put a stop to her once again. This time, hopefully, permanent," she promises, looking over all the others. They nodded in silence. It was time they put an end to the threat that Pyper was posing.

Green eyes glance coldly around the dark room. One of the people in front of her was shivering in fear, but the others remained unfazed. They were used to her cold, collected look when it came to her plans. "What are our numbers," she asks calmly. The woman lounges elegantly on a bench like a feline, laying on her side and supporting her head with her arm. The sunlight and the wind enter the room from the balcony behind her. The cold air gives the room a chilly atmosphere and the light covers Pyper Pan fully in shadows.

Rae clears his throat. He had his arms crossed before his chest as he recites the numbers of their new additions. "There are four more villain children who have joined us today. That makes our numbers now at twenty four, excluding ourselves." "That does not seem like much," Mabel remarks sassily. She smirks at the son of the Rat King and flips her hair with a wink. Rae curls up his lip. He was clearly irritated, but being the oldest of them all he decided to be the adult here.

"That may seem so to someone who is blindsighted to the bigger picture, but our numbers have been growing every day. Today was the greatest increase of our numbers since the first recruitments," Rae explains. Pyper noticed that Mabel wanted to make another snark response and cuts it off before she could begin. "Thank you, Rae. Can you tell me who our new recruits are," she asks, making it very clear she did not tolerate any interruptions or bickering. Rae responds that it were the children of a few henchmen and not very important. "So, no one with powers then," Mabel says, sarcastically laughing at the end.

Rae growls lowly and was about to burst, but Pyper was first. She chuckles. "Unfortunately you are so stupid to confuse power with strength, Mabel. Strength does not only come from magical powers. It also excists in numbers. The more numbers we have, the more afraid people will be." With a roll off her eyes she dismisses the sulking Mabel and returns her attention to Rae. "Thank you for your report. I want you to continue your work in recruiting people from the Isle. Take everyone you can get from there. A lot of children are susceptible to the idea that we have." The Rat Prince nods, smirking in agreement. "I will extend our recruiters, Pyper."

The green haired girl swipes her legs off the couch and stands up graciously from the couch. With a wave of her hand she dismisses them all and turns her back to them. Pyper strides towards the balcony and watches over the land that they claimed. A high mountain in the north of Auradon with a vast forest by the feet of the mountain.

Her hands close around the iron fence around the stone balcony. She notices that not everyone had left and that someone was approaching her. "What are you thinking, Pypes," Anne mutters quietly, standing just a few steps behind her friend on the balcony. "We are on the right track, but it is going too slow. We need more than four a day."

Antoinette bites her lip. She slowly approaches her friend and stands besides her by the fence. "Rae is doing everything he can.." She murmurs, glancing sideways at the green haired girl. Pyper sighs. Anne didn't understand what she meant. "It is not Rae's fault. But it is still going too slow."

Pyper digs into the pocket of her jacket and takes out a familiar gem. She rolls it around in her hand, the stone glowing softly. Anne takes a step aside and lowers her tone of voice. She knew she would be touching on a very delicate subject. "And.. have you found contact with your father yet," she asks. The Pan girl clenches her jaw and tightens her grip around the gem. "No," she growls.

Ever since Pyper was awake she had tried to seek contact with her father through the typical way they conversed while she was in Auradon. For hours Pyper would stand in the forest in her mind. She would wait all that time, but Pan never arrived. Pyper knew deep down in her heart that her father might be cruel and hateful, but that he would never abandon her like this. The reason that he didn't accept the invitation to their shared minds was that he was unable to. That left Pyper all on her own without guidance from the person she looks up to.

Anne knew how much Pyper missed her father in moments when decisions needed to be taken and she left her friend alone when she waited for hours in the forest in her mind for him. She did whatever she could to support her friend and helped with realizing her plans. She knew Pyper appreciated her and what she did for her friend and their cause, but she also knew that it was not nearly enough. She didn't have magic like Pyper, Mabel and Rae, nor Pyper and Rae's wits. All she had was her unwavering loyalty to Pyper.

She reaches her hand out to her friend and rests it on top of hers. Pyper looks up by the sudden warmth on her skin. She smiles quickly at Anne and resumes her thinking. "The Auradonians still haven't caught up to where we are or what we want. We still have an advantage over them, which gives us a little time. But we do not have much." She starts twirling the gem in her hand, which gives off a blue hue. "But at least we have taken one advantage away from them."

Antoinette smiles and Pyper smirks as they both stare at Hades' Ember as it glows in Pyper's grip. For now they had the upper hand. Now it was up to them to let it stay that way.

𝙒𝙄𝘾𝙆𝙀𝘿 𝘼𝙇𝙒𝘼𝙔𝙎 𝙒𝙄𝙉𝙎 🔥 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘Where stories live. Discover now