I have been Summoned

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Jeff's POV

I'm hurt. They have just left me on the ground to bleed to death. They are accusing me on murdering their daughter; my girlfriend, Anna. Of course they know she's still alive. They just want an excuse to kill me so i don't kill anymore. She is the heir to the throne; the next ruler of the summoners after her brother. Of course, soon enough, Anna will be here to determin my fate.

Anna's POV

My mother, and father, have summoned me to decide anothers fate. I still haven't herd from Jeff. It has now been a month.

As i arrive at my fellow kingdom, I feel regret. In a way, i think i should of stayed home, just in case Jeff returned. But when my kingdom and fellow villagers call, I must go.

"I have brought you here today, Fellow princess, to decide the fate, of this mere beast." Says a member of the Summoners, as he guestures another member to bring out, the unlucky victim.

There is the victim. His hair a fine and silky jet black. His skin as pale as the winters snow. His...eyes...surrounded by black. And his smile, the one that never leaves his face...Jeff...

"So my dear daughter, you are hear today, to decide if this, disgrace to the human world, shall live. If you chose to let him go, you shall die. Make your choice. Make it the right one." My father says to me.

I saw everything: A Forbidden Romance (A Jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now