I smile once I spot her familiar coloring. She really is beautiful, with her red-brown coat and white stripe down her face. She snorts, hopefully in greeting, as I approach her. 

I place a gentle hand on her neck, petting her. "Hey, Roachie. I hope it's not too cold for you out here."

Another horse pushes its way in front of her. The horse has such dark brown fur, that I nearly think its black. It nudges its nose under my hand that is on Roach. I laugh, "And who are you? You also want some attention, huh?"

I know Roach doesn't like to be touched as much in the face by me, so I keep to her neck, but the second horse seems to want me to pet its snout, so I do. "Luckily for you, I have two hands."

"Do you always talk to horses?" A voice asks behind me, and I scream, jumping away from the horses, and I trip over a wooden bucket behind me, falling into a heap onto the snow. 

I definitely sprained an ankle there, pulling that move.

A face enters my vision. It's getting all too familiar- with people looking down at me while I'm lying down. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, laughing.

"Lambert!" I growl, "Why would you sneak up on me like that?"

"Sorry," he apologizes, looking as unapologetic as possible. I am surprised when Lambert reaches out a hand and helps me up to my feet. I haven't talked to him enough to know exactly how he feels about my presence. Coen has made it obvious, and Eskel doesn't seem to be too bothered by me. The only two I am unsure about are Lambert and Vesemir.

"You're not even an ounce sorry," I grumble, but there's a small smile on my face.

He's still grinning as he brushes off some snow from my clothes, but it feels more as if he is patronizing me, than taking care of me. "I wouldn't have done that if I knew you would've jumped five feet into the air. Sorry, princess."

The smile slips as I remember Coen's words, mocking my former status, even though Lambert isn't using it in the same manner. I say, "Ciri."


"Ciri. Not princess," I clarify.

Before he can respond, I hear the thumps of shoes against snow. We turn around, and I see Geralt and Vesemir sprinting towards us, both of them brandishing their swords. Now, I know how it feels when a monster is chased by a Witcher. Fear rocks into me, before I remind myself Geralt wouldn't hurt me.

They stop in front of us, looking around. Geralt is ready to fight. I can see it, with the way he carries himself, opening up his senses so that he can detect any possible danger. Both Witchers scan me from head to toe before deeming I am unharmed.

Geralt asks, "What happened? We heard the scream." 

Screw their stupid Witcher abilities. Why can't I scream in peace, without summoning two Witchers?

"Ciri fell," Lambert explains.

"Because of Lambert! He showed up out of nowhere!"

He defends himself as I glower at him, "Not on purpose! I was just asking her what she was up to, since she was talk-"

I elbow him. It doesn't hurt him one bit. I only surprised him.

I supply, "I was just petting Roach."

"And Cobalt," Lambert adds.

I splutter, "You named your horse Cobalt?"

"How is Roach any better?"

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