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Callie woke up entangled in a mess of blonde hair, raw fish, and, is that wine on the sheets?
After putting Sophia to bed, Callie decided she would show Arizona how to properly eat sushi. Callie thought back to the night before.
"Callie this is just making a huge mess" Arizona said as Callie placed a piece of sushi on her naked stomach. Callie placed another on her thigh.
"Shh, Arizona this will be fun."she said as she slid her head down to take the pieces in her mouth. Callie drew circles around the piece on Arizona's thigh with her tongue, then taking it in. Arizona moaned under Callie's tongue, feeling her hot breath on her pale skin.
Callie drew a lazy path to Arizona's center with her finger, lightly separating her folds. She then slid her tongue in, starting with a circle around her entrance, making her way up to her hypersensitive clit, repeating the familiar pattern she knew drove Arizona wild.
"Cal-" Arizona got out before her breath hitched. Callie smiled and looked up to meet the blue eyes.
"What did you need? Did you want this?" Callie inserted a finger. Arizona bucked her hips as a response.
"More?" Callie smiled, adding another finger. She then started to slowly pump into Arizona, quickening her pace. As Arizona started to breathe heavier, calling Callie's name out in breathless cries, Callie added her tongue to Arizona's clit.
"Calliope, oh god-there!" She started to entangle one hand into her dark hair, her other hand teasing her left nipple.
"I'm going to come"
"Hold it"
"Calliope please I can't"
Callie slowed her pace.
"Shh, babe stop. Seriously shut up."
Callie heard somebody open their front door.
"Hello? Anyone home? Arizona?"
They recognized the voice as April Kepnars. Callie sighed in defeat, Arizona buried her head into the pillow.
"What is she doing here?"
"I don't know!" Arizona wined.
She was so close, and they had Sophia sleeping in the basement (she had a playhouse down there and decided she wanted to sleep by the princess dresses) and without fail, they still were interrupted.
Callie got up and grabbed their robes while Arizona got her leg on.
"One minute!" Callie called out to April.
They made their way into the living room to find April standing there with a box of what looked to be homemade cookies.
"Hey! Sorry to interrupt your evening"
April said, thinking to herself as to why Callie's hair was insanely messy and Arizona looked very strange.
"We were just waking up from a nap"
Arizona tried to cover up their story, luckily, April wasn't really good on picking up things, so she dropped it.
"Anyway, I made you guys cookies, and I wanted to thank you all for letting me stay at your house a while back. I never had the chance to really do that-and I felt like I needed to-"
Callie cut her off, snatching the cookies.
"It's really no big deal, thank you for the cookies! We really have to go and work on something."
"What are you working on? Is it for a grant?" April lit up
"No, no, it's a um, nothing really, Sophia was distracting earlier, so we didn't get a chance to finish, whatever we are doing.." Arizona said.
"I can take Sophia! I'd love to take care of her! Ever since baby... Nobody thinks I can handle it. But Jackson and I can watch her tonight! It'll be so so fun!" April was so excited.
Quickly, they packed Sophia up and sent them off.
As soon as the front door was shut, Arizona pulled Callie closer to her.
"Now, let me finish, then it's your turn"
Callie smiled to herself at the memory. Arizona stirred, then looked up at her beautiful wife.
"Happy Birthday Calliope, I have some surprises for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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