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My adrenaline was rushing- and not in the good way. All morning I'd been nervous, not because of the party, everything was perfectly set up. But because of the guest I knew would be arriving.

To my surprise, she arrived first. I opened the door, expecting my Mum, but it was Lauren; dressed in black (not ripped) skinny jeans, and a grey v neck. Her hair was straightened and fell down her back, almost reaching her waist line. She was wearing her Doc Martins.

"If you're done checking me out, then," Lauren laughed, "where's the little one?"

My cheeks flared up as I realized I'd been staring.

"Sorry, I'm just not used to seeing you this... put together."

"You've only seen my three times, love, don't make assumptions."

Lauren kicked off her boots and walked into the kitchen as if she'd been her a million times before. I heard a squeal from Alex, followed by several giggles.

I took a deep, angry breath, and pushed my anger away. This day was about Alex's birthday, not, my jealousy of her affection with Lauren.

I followed them into the kitchen, where Alex was being held in Lauren's arms as she tickled her.

"Mummy look, Lauren showed up!"

"I know sweetie," I said.

"She is a nice person!" Alex repeated, trying to prove her point.

I shrugged as I began to pour Lauren a drink.

"Is that wine?" Lauren asked me.

I nodded, handing the glass to her. She thanked me, and put down Alex.

"Mummy, Lauren said she had a gift for me," She said.

"That's very nice of her," I replied, eyeing Lauren suspiciously.

"It's in the car Alex. I'll get it later?" Lauren offered.

Alex nodded and clapped her hands together excitedly.

When the doorbell rang, it startled me.

"Good?" Lauren asked.

"I'm fine," I answered through gritted teeth.

I opened the door and welcomed my Mum, Dad, and sister Sofi. Next came a few of her friends from daycare, and Dinah, one of my best friends.

"Auntie Dinah!"

Alex leapt up from the table she'd been drawing at with her friends and jumped into Dinah's arms. Dinah squeezed her, repeating "Happy Birthday" until Alex couldn't breathe.

"Lauren is here."

"Who's Lauren?"

"My friend," Alex stated. "She's in the living room. She's nice, but Mummy doesn't like her."

"Hey," I scowled.

"Who's Lauren?" Dinah asked me again.

"I never said I didn't like Lauren. I said she's not very nice," I clarified.

"Keep telling yourself that, Camila."

I spun around, Lauren standing in the doorway. Her wine glass was drained.

"Woah," Dinah mumbled.

Ignoring her, I put Alex back on her chair and walked into the living room with Lauren and Dinah.

"Dinah this is Lauren..."

"Hey," Lauren greeted her casually, sticking her hand out.

Dinah hesitantly took it, surprised by Lauren's tight grip.

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