Chapter 7

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Megan patted my back and left to go back into the fence. It’s more of a camp than just a fence, but in actuality, it was just a fence. I laughed a little at my thoughts. Soon most of the survivors started coming out. Each one picked a task and went to do it.

Ruby and Kayla grabbed their make shift fishing poles and left for the other side of the shore. They seemed to love fishing. I watched them chat and push each other once in a while. Even though they were grown people they joke around like little siblings would.

Joseph finally got out the fence and looked around at everyone. He seemed content with himself. Suddenly my gut had a weird feeling, almost like I shouldn’t trust him. I soon rushed that feeling away knowing it was silly.

Today felt good. Everyone was content. Harold even smiled at me every time he saw me. I finally worked up the courage to put my sandals on and leave the water. “Jane!” Joseph called. I started walking over to him.

“That’s a nifty belt, don’t remember you having that before?” He said. I didn’t want to tell him I got it from a mysterious woman so I decided to make it very awkward.

“I may have taken it off a body.” I blurted out trying to avoid the truth. His eyes widened a slight bit. He nodded and crossed his arms. He began to walk and waved for me to follow him, which I did.

“Behind the fence here is where we keep the tools, food, and first aid. It seems were missing a box of berries. I was wondering if you think we should build s shack and keep it a bit safer.” He told me holding and shifting his head as if imagining what it would looks like.

“Wait.” I interrupted his thinking process. “We should build it closer to the entrance so we can see what goes in and out.” I ended. He nodded his head. “That’s a great idea. I’ll start moving some of the supplies, here take this for your belt.” He said holding a stone club towards me. I clipped it into my belt making sure it’s easily accessible. It fit like a glove.

“Thanks.” I said. He nodded carrying a few boxes of supplies with him to the front of the fence. Megan joined in and took a few boxes with us. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Any of you see Max?” Edgar said to Joseph, Megan, and me, “No.” Joseph and I said simultaneously. Megan nodded her head and pointed to the jungle. “I saw him head into their looking for more berries.”

A yell pierced our ears. It was Max. I dropped the box, luckily was just clothes. I began to sprint towards the Jungle. “Jane wait!” He said trying to catch up. He knew he couldn’t and eventually just waved me on. “Please be careful.” He breathed out panting. Edgar and Megan looked at me with worried stares before entering the jungle.

“Someone help!” I heard Max yell. I followed the sounds of his yells till I found him stuck in a bear trap. Who could have set that there? Did we? Max glanced over towards me. “Jane wait! Be careful!” He yelled.

His eyes went to a black dog, its eyes yellow and mouth open and hungry. It placed itself on top of a rock about to jump down and lunge at Max. I wouldn’t let that happen. I took the stone club from my belt out slowly. Max shifted towards me almost warning me to be careful with his eyes. “I know” I told his eyes.

I found a rock on the ground and picked it up. From the opposite side of the tree I threw the rock over the dog’s head. I looked in the rocks direction for a moment. I jumped out and flew toward the dog with club in hand. From farther away I couldn’t see how big it actually was.

Its face lunged upwards before lifting its feet off the ground. Before it could jump I smashed its head with the club. It yelped then went for my feet. With nothing left to do I jumped to the side and smashed directly on its spine.

One last yelp escaped its mouth before falling to the side. I was surprised it was still moving after I left such a bad mark in its face. Some of its teeth were scattered on the ground.

“Shit!” I yelled. The dog must have scratched my leg. It bled quite a bit and hurt but the pain didn’t change when I walked on it so I walked over to Max. He stood staring at me in amazement.

“You saved my life you know that.” He said. I shushed him and messed with the bear trap finally releasing it from his leg. “Ow crap.” He yelled. I let him lean on my shoulder while I set the bloodied club back into my belt. He leaned on me till we got out of the jungle.

“Oh my god!” Megan said. She held her mouth as we exited from the jungle. Joseph came running towards us and grabbed Max taking him to the supplies so he could get bandaged.

I dropped onto the ground, exhausted. It was barely a fight but it was emotionally draining. Edgar picked me up and wrapped a quick layer of my foot up. “I don’t need it wrapped.” I panted.

“You are one tough girl.” He said. I laughed a bit and shrugged him off. “It was just a dog.” I said. Max’s jaw dropped. “Just a dog! That thing was a full blown black wolf!” He insisted. Now that I thought of it, it really was big for a dog. I shook my head with a slight smile.

The pain started to go away and Max was already starting to feel better. He was only walking with a slight limp. Joseph then told us he was going to get the wolf back so we could eat it. Some of us disagreed saying it wouldn’t taste good but others said there was no other choice. I was hungry so I said it was dinner time anyway.

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