Chapter 2

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Sand covered my hands and hair. I shook the sand off my hands and brushed my hair with my fingers. The sun was rising and still no one was awake. I got up and began to walk out the fenced area. Just outside the fence Joseph laid on the ground asleep. I walked to the shore and took off my sandals letting the water hit my feet.

“Who was I?” I asked myself. I couldn’t remember anything except after I woke up on the beach. I turned to the fence. How were most of these people even calm, then again how was I calm? I don’t even remember my age, name, anything. Maybe I needed to ask questions that should help me remember.

I pulled out the picture I found yesterday and looked at it again. The edges were bent from being in my pocket but it was still in good shape. I looked at both of their faces. I don’t remember seeing these two people anywhere so I just put it back in my pocket.

I began to see heads moving inside the fence or at least the people who were over five feet tall. Water rushed in between my toes giving me a soothing feeling, almost relaxing and calming. This was interrupted by the noise we heard last night coming from the woods again.

Instantly every head began to rise and Joseph slowly woke up becoming more aware each second. The noise reminded me of a chainsaw but still animal like. It was enough to make your heart shake in your chest.

People began to pour out of the fence and look around. Joseph who was now awake designated people to tasks and they began to work. It was clear he was meant to be the leader.

I put my sandals back on and approached Joseph. “Glad you’re awake.” He said. “I need you to go and find some stones. Anything large but still hand sized.” I nodded

I headed to where the beach and forest meat. There were plenty of rocks hear of all sizes. I pulled put my shirt and began to place the decent sized rocks in my new shirt pocket. In a matter of seconds it became too heavy so I waddled back to the front of the fence dropping it near the door. Joseph nodded but didn’t tell me what to do next so I walked back to the rocks.

I began to grow curious of what was in the woods. I took a few steps in and looked around. It was beautiful. From the outside it looked like just a forest but on the inside it was a marvelous jungle. I walked deeper and wasn’t afraid of what was making those strange noise. I kept going deeper.

About one hundred feet into the jungle, I found a metal bunker with vines and grass grown right into the metal becoming one entity. The door had a glass window attached to it but it was too scratched to see inside. I tried the weirdly shaped handle and no luck. I looked down to my hands and noticed they were red. I must have cut myself on the handle. I rushed back out of the woods and was confronted by a worried looking Joseph.

“Don’t ever do that again, it’s dangerous in there.” He told me. I held out my hand and he rolled his eyes. “See!” He said. I frowned but figured he was right. He then reached into his pocket and brought out some weird tube. He spread white cream over my cut. Luckily it didn’t hurt.

“There’s a bunker in the jungle. Just over there.” I said while pointing in the direction I went into. He showed a small smile. Hope almost bled from his face. “This might be what we ne-“ His voice was interrupted by the strange growling again, this time being louder than ever. People began to panic and rushed towards the fence.

Harold picked up a stone and began to attach the stone to a stick with the duct tape. He ran over the stone multiple times before it stuck. He must have been in charge of sticks cause he had a big pile set up next to him.

Did they think this was some sort of animal planning on attacking? I wanted to know what the sound was more than anybody which might have been why I went into the jungle in the first place.

“Everyone stay observant, we also need to start thinking about food too.” He told the people. Someone stepped up to Joseph. He was old but just a bit younger than Joseph.

“Sir, in the jungle there’s an abundance of berries almost everywhere.” He told him. “But were they edible.” Joseph countered. The man shook his head unknowingly. He was right though, just from here I could see plenty of bushes with black looking berries peeking out of the jungle.

Everyone then went back to their tasks leaving me next to Joseph. “Do you remember how old you were Jane?” I looked at my body. What even was age? How did I know around what age these people were but had no clue how old I even was. “I don’t know.” I said with a frown.

“You look about fifteen or sixteen. So we’ll go with that till you remember.” He said with a smile. I nodded smiling back. If I was that age that meant I was the youngest trapped on this island.

Since Joseph was happy with my rocks and finding the bunker I decided to go help that man who gave me the water yesterday. He seemed to be rationing the rest of the food and water. “Do you need help?” I asked him. He looked up to me with his hand still on his chin from thinking. “No but you can stay and talk to me I need to vent a bit.” He said.

I nodded. I didn’t mind hearing what was on his mind. “Names Edgar.” He said smiling. I nodded again because he already knew my name from when I first woke up. He lifted up a box and I lifted up another one despite him saying he needed no help and headed in his direction.

“I just don’t understand. We weren’t even heading in this direction, how did we end up here.” He shook his head. “Where were we headed?” I asked. He looked to me.

“You really don’t remember anything do you?” I frowned a bit. “Don’t worry its ok. But we were simple goi-“ In the middle of his sentence I fell back dropping the box of supplies to my side. I could barely hear anything. “Jane!” I heard almost distantly being yelled, but it was too late I blacked out.

Creating JaneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang