Chapter 3: 'Merry Christmas!'

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Wednesday afternoon, December 22nd, y/n P.O.V

Today we got off early from school, because christmas was getting closer and closer. Christmas eve would be in 2 days so we had quite somethings to prepare for the evening. I went to the shoppingmall to look around for anything that I needed for christmas. With priority to the presents I had to get for Shotaro. Whenever I thought about the fact that I had pulled Shotaro's wishlist happiness went through my whole body. The past week I became alot closer to him, like I had planned and I'm actually starting to quite like him..

But we're not here to think about that. We are here to do some serious christmasshopping. I obviously didn't want to disappoint him with some bad gifts..

The time went fast quickly because I had been here for almost more than 1 hour and I already had quite some stuff from his wishlist. My luck he had written some stores down on where I could find everything. But I was looking for one last thing.. A suprise that wasn't really on his wishlist.

I looked around the big shopping mall, searching for the right shop but I couldn't really find it..
''Where is that shop again-- Oh! Gotcha..''
I found the shop I had been searching for and quickly went inside.

For the holidays the whole shop was decorated with christmas stuff, because normally there would be all sorts of kitchen stuff and all those handy things you can use in your house here, but now there was christmas decoration all over the place. As expected, I got a little carried away by all the christmas decoration and went away from the section I was supposed to go to.. The shop looked absolutely stunning, while admiring the pretty decoration I made my way into the section I was supposed to go to in the first place..

''Now what kind of plushie should I get him.. There are more than enough options to pick from..''
I said while staring at the many plushies stalled infront of me. It was hard to just choose one..

After looking around the plushies for a while my eyes landed on THE PERFECT plushie for Shotaro. I grabbed it off the shelf and put it in my basket with a bright smile.

''Hey my new shopping companion, you're gonna be the perfect little friend for Shotaro~''
I said with a smile and patted it's head. I headed back to the cashier and gave the plushie to her so she could scan it.

''Would you like to get this Otter plushie wrapped up?''
The cashier said, she looked a little worn out and didn't look like she was alot older than I was. So I shook my head.

''No thank you, I love wrapping up presents so I'll do it myself. Merry Christmas!''
I said as I packed up the plushie in the bag I took with me and bowed at the cashier. Poor girl, working so hard on the holidays when it's so busy everywhere. Mad respect..

Time skip: Evening

After eating dinner I went upstairs and gathered all the stuff together I would need for wrapping up my presents. I had a total of 5 presents for Shotaro I had to wrap up. So It shouldn't take too long. I grabbed my phone, opened youtube and connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker I had. I put on a Christmas playlist and started with wrapping up the presents.

After wrapping up all the presents I set them on my desk and lied down on my bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about Friday..
''Should I confess to him that I like him..?''

I shot up from my bed and realised what I had said.
''Oh nonono that's wayy too embarrassing, big chance he doesn't even like me..''

''How did I even catch feelings so fast.. Normally it takes me a while, but Shotaro.. With him I just--''
I sighed.
''Damn I fell HARD..''

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