Aether-( oh )

Aether- s-

Donna- And I've brought you here because.. well.. I wanna just..have a little 'chat' with you.

Aether- o-oh.. o-ok..

Donna- so~ I've seen you with DILUC recently. :)

Aether- ...

Aether-( ok ...I've only been in this school for idk..2 days and I'm already being targeted)

Donna- and so.. your stealing DIlUCC AWAY FROM ME.

Aether- o-oh..

Aether-( I've never seen you with diluc or even seen you entirely in my life...)

Donna- so. Stay the fuck away from him. Please?~ Or else. I'll do something you'll never forget.

Aether nods , (and is scared)

Donna pushee him harder into the wall

Donna- so keep your fucking mouth shut. brat.

Donna was about to hit aether but she hesitated

Donna-( why am I hesitating?- ugh. Well I don't want to hurt him..he's too cute- WHAT No. Snap out of it Donna. YOU LIKE DILUC. YOU LOVE DILUC ONLY. I don't L-lovethis brat.... Or do i-)


Donna- y-you ... YOU BRAT. YOU GAY FREAK. SLUT-You better keep your shitty mouth shut ..,!

Aether-( gay freak?.. brat..? what...wh.. do people think I'm gay? and am I.. really a slut? Do people think I look like

Aether is terrified and scared and sad and yah

His sister usually protected him

Aether has never been called such things before 😕

Aether nearly starts to cry (now looks like he's crying)

Donna-( shit.. he looks like he gonna cry.. I feel bad.. what why- he looks so cute still~ WHSmAT THE HELL STOP IT DONNA- m-maybe try not to look at him? But- URGH)

Dona let's go of aether (she pinned him to the wall 🤨 remeber?)

Donna-uh-uh look- I'm sorry uh... Just.. remeber don't tell anyone and uh-

Donna puts pinches the part in between her eyes (the top thing of Ur nose AHH I CANT EXPLAIN IT-)

Aether looks shooketh and scared

Suddenly the door bussts open 🤨

????- wh- OOHHHH- Well well well?? What do we have here?!~

Donna- wha-

Donna- Venti, get your ugly ass outta here . Litteraly 😡

Venti- girl you can't speak.. 😕

Aether- (what... Are they fighting??, Help .. are they her friend?? What is going on...)

Donna- just get out you rat Jesus Christ- u ruined this-

Venti- ruined what? You targeting another student?~

Donna- YAH... So get yo stinky ass self outta here.


Ventis eyes are locked on aether, he also didn't even hear Donna cause he was focused on aether

Donna- OI- I said get out , also don't snitch or-

Venti- DAMMn- fine ... But I gotta take a souvenir..

aether harem with the boys (school and modern au)Where stories live. Discover now