Everyone's attention drew to Y/N's lunch table, staring at Eli who cowered in his chair, his hand immediately flying to his face to cover the prominent scar above his top lip.

"You say the word and I'll drop kick that bitch." Y/N whispered to Eli, he thought it was sweet gesture but shook his head. He did not want to get her in trouble.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students." Counsellor Blatt continued but at this point she had lost all of the students attention.

"If you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo is looking for recruits."

"Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training and you're going to kick some major ass." Demetri scoffed, waving his arms around in a mocking manner.

Miguel shook his head, "I'm serious, Demetri. My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I can get all three of you discounts."

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face." Demetri turned towards his lunch and took a sip of his chocolate milk.

"Don't be a dick Demetri." Y/N commented as she sent him a glare. The boy just rolled his eyes and returned back to his food, pretending that he wasn't listening to Miguel and Y/N talking.


Y/N didn't care much for dressing up so just wore the clothes she had worn to school. She took a packet of cigarettes and a lighter with her. She stashed a joint in the packet just in case she needed something a little stronger to calm her down. She was sure that she'd be only person who hadn't dressed up in a costume but she didn't really care.

Eli had suggested that they'd all meet up at the entrance of school but once Y/N got there the pair were nowhere to be found. She was sure the pair were both inside so she walked into school and towards the gym.

"Hey," Someone called behind her, "I've been looking for you everywhere."

Miguel, the boy was dressed in skin tight Skeleton pyjamas. His face was painted to match his costume. She was surprised that he wasn't dressed up as Deadpool like he had previously stated.

"You're not dressed as Deadpool." Y/N stated, pointing out the obvious. Miguel laughed nervously and began to tell her the story.

"My yaya was supposed to make me the costume but then it kind of turned into something it wasn't. My sensei told me to change it, so I did." Miguel explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"It couldn't have been that bad." Y/N defended but once Miguel pulled out his phone and showed her the photo of his costume, she had no choice but to agree with his sensei. "You were right to listen to him."

A few minutes and laughs later, Eli and Demetri approached the pair. Eli almost seemed to feel out of place and a little odd around Miguel and Y/N. He had never seen her laugh this much around anyone before.

Miguel sighed, "I like you're sorcerer costume."

"Sorcerer? Please. I'm a-." Demetri was about to correct himself when Y/N interrupted him.

"One of those necrophilia people, right?" Y/N's brows were fixed together as she tried to figure out what the word was.

"What?" Miguel questioned in confusion and partial laughter as he watched Y/N figure out what she had just said

"Oh, shit. That's fucking dead bodies, isn't it?" Y/N covered her mouth, in utter disbelieve at what she had just said.

"So are you a regular doctor..?" Miguel asked, turning to face Eli who was dressed in surgical scrubs and a mask which covered his scar.

"Plastic surgeon. I fix lips."

It was Miguel's turn to face Y/N who seemed to be dressed normal for the most part, "You didn't dress up."

"Ding, ding, ding we have a winner." She responded sarcastically, a provoking grin present on her face, "Well no shit Sherlock, I wore this today already."

Miguel rolled her eyes playfully, "Anyways, I have something to show you guys."

Y/N had droned out at that point and her eyes wondered around the room, she spotted a man hanging something on the wall. He looked quite similar to her birth father so she couldn't help but stare at him, she was sure it was him but what on Earth was he doing here?

A few minutes later and the man had left, Y/N's eyes still burning a hole in the wall he had stood next to.

"Y/N?" Miguel called, pulling her out f her trance. "Come on, let me show you something."

Miguel walked Y/N over to the wall where the man had stood, once they were there, Miguel pointed towards a poster with the words 'Cobra Kai' written in bold. It the centre there was none other than her father, Johnny Lawrence. Shit.

"Hey Miguel, this is your sensei, isn't it?" She hoped the answer wouldn't be yes.

He nodded.

Y/N cursed under her breath, "I'll be back in a minute."

Miguel stood there confused while Y/N fled in the hopes that she could find her dad and ask him what the hell was going on. That was until a thought crossed her mind. What would Robby think of this?

Y/N stopped in her tracks, pulling out her phone to see if Robby had responded to her text. She sent him another text, saying it was urgent before putting her phone in her pocket and waking back towards the gym.

Where had Miguel gone? In fact, where had all the adults gone?

Y/N took this opportunity to take a cigarette from out of her pocket and light it. Students were drinking alcohols anyways, what harm could this possibly do?

That's when Y/N spotted Eli on the far bench. She approached him, cigarette still in hand.

"Hey, Lip." She greeted, sitting down next to him. She took a long drag from her cigarette before exhaling.

"You really shouldn't be smoking in here." He responded. What a goody two shoes, Y/N though before taking about her drag from the cigarette.

"You want a puff? It'll loosen you up a bit." She asked, putting herself in a suitable position.

"No, I don't smoke."

She shrugged, "Suit yourself."

The pair remained in silence for the next few minutes until the door to the gym bursted open to reveal Counsellor Blatt.

Y/N hurriedly put out her cigarette on the wall.

"Gotta scram, bye Lip." Y/N pressed a rough kiss against Eli's cheek before scurrying off, leaving the boy a flustered mess.

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