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Sundays at the burrow were always lively and busy

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Sundays at the burrow were always lively and busy. It was a day when all the Weasleys gathered at home for a day as a family. And whenever you crammed that many people into one household something interesting was bound to happen.

All the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and Andromeda sat in the living room. Bill held the newest addition to the Weasley clan, his daughter Dominique, as they all talked. Although they were all a little squished, they were having a good time all the same.

As usual George was the center of attention as he told jokes and stories causing the entire room to laugh uproariously when he was done.

Suddenly two little children toddled into the room. Little Teddy Lupin was chasing Victoire into the room. Teddy, being four, has the advantage over the two year old that had only just started to get the hang of walking.

"No, no Teddy! No!" The little girl giggled trying to gain distance between herself and her friend.

Teddy laughed and tried to grab her.

All the adults smiled appreciatively, and watched the children play.

Just as Teddy was about to succeed in his mission Victoire tumbled head over heels into the floor. The room gasped and Victoire began to wail. "Muummmyy! Teddy made me fall!"

Teddy adapted a wounded expression, "I did not! She falled by herself."

Fleur got up and walked over to her sobbing daughter. "Shush. Quiet ma cheri." She cooed brushing back her daughters hair.

Teddy watched in fascination as Fleur calmed down her daughter with a mixture of English and French.

Bill handed Dominique to Ginny and walked over to hug his older daughter. "You're fine sweetie. And Teddy didn't push you so apologize." He reprimanded her.

"Sorry Teddy." She sniffled as her mother set her down once more.

However Teddy didn't seem to really hear the apology as he stared at Bill and Fleur. In his minds eye he kept seeing the big hug Fleur had bestowed on Victoire as soon a she had called out mummy.

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