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Today was Thursday, our first day of classes. Blaise woke me up at 6am so I could go to my dorm and change.

"N/n come on, you have to go to your dorm" Blaise said

"But I'm tired" I said jumping again on his bed

Finally I went to my dorm and I put on the uniform with 2 necklaces with crystals.

I went to the Great Hall and I saw Harry, Mione and Ron so I sat with them.

"Hi Y/N, don't mind them. They are arguing about quidditch." Mione said

"Krum is more than an athlete, he's an artist!"Ron said to Harry

"I think you're in love Ron" Ginny said

"Oh shut-" Ron said

Viktor entered into the GH

"He's a creep" I said

Then Ron started to argue more with Harry and I saw Blaise so I got up and went with him because I was starting to get annoyed.

"Hi, can I sit with you? They are arguing about quidditch." I said to Blaise

"Of course, no problem" Pansy said

"Thanks" I said smiling

"Y/n I said this to you many times but can you just stay still for a bit while we sleep?! Yesterday you kicked my head twice and I almost fell off the bed!" Blaise said

"* I started laughing* Blaise you know I can't control it. I'm sorry" I said

"Well next time you're going to sleep on the floor."He said

"Theo, when are we going to play?" I asked

"Um, after classes" He said

"Ok, where?"

"I don't know, my dorm? So Blaise can check that you don't cheat"He said

"Hey! Alright, I think we are together at our last class so that's perfect."

*time skip*

The classes were great, it is surprising that I'm excited about class but it was amazing. Now it was my last class. We had Slytherin and Ravenclaw double DADA with Lupin. (in this story I wanted to keep Remus as a teacher) Lupin is one of my favorite teachers. He's lovely. We are close because when I was at my first year I had a few problems and he offered me his help. I can talk to him about everything.

When we finished the class, Blaise, Theo and I went to their dorm.

Blaise put music while we were playing. He knew things were going to be tense so he put relaxing music.

* Steeeam by Shelly starts playing*

" I love this song!" I said

"Ready to loose?" Theo said

"I could ask you the same thing"I said smiling

We agreed to play 3 times. He won the first but I won the second time so now who wins is the winner.

"I have to go to do some homework. Don't cheat!" Blaise said

"We won't!" We said at the same time

While we were playing I noticed that he was looking one of my necklaces.

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