"Until then, I'm going to get you a new ice pack" he huffed and left the room.  She laughed quietly and sighed, god she loves that man...


"Girl what on gods great earth is you doing?" A young red headed woman walked up to Ella and put her hand on the table, a drink in her other.

"I fell down a ditch at work, I'm kinda in a bit of pain" Ella laughed and clutched her ribs.

"Well why'd you do that?" Riley raised her eyebrows.

"Tackling a suspect" Ella smiled weakly.

"Look at you go, such a badass" Riley smiled back.

"But seriously, you might wanna get that checked out if you can't dance" she added.

Ella let out a small chuckle, "yeah I intend to" she huffed.

"Well I'm going to find myself a girlfriend, so good luck with getting that checked out, and goodnight sexy" Riley shimmied away as Ella chuckled.

Ella placed her empty glass of champagne on the table before wandering past the bar to see her work partners.

"El, you going home already?" Vanessa looked up at Ella.

"I think I underestimated the fall from earlier, I'm gonna go get it checked out" Ella smiled.

"You should've listened to jay" Kim sighed.

"I know" Ella laughed.

"But I'm listening now" she added.

"Need me to drop you off?" Vanessa nodded. 

"I'll be fine, thanks though" Ella shook her head.

"Alright well, get home safe..." Kim nodded.

Ella smiled as she wandered outside, waving at her friends in the process. She's glad she didn't wear a dress today, thankfully a pair of jeans and a cropped corset style top, because it was very nippy out here but unfortunately she didn't bring a jacket.

She looked around for her truck, before realising that she could barely see 2om in front of her, there's no way she's going to get home without causing an accident.

She looked around before sighing, walking to jays place it is then...

jays place.

She has no idea as to why she wants to go to jays place, but she does, his apartment is a safe place. Hell to that, he is a safe place...

She strolled down the sidewalk, only to feel her ribs hurting again, even coughing hurt like a bitch, she cannot walk on like this.

There was no point in going back to get Vanessa or Kim because she was already about 10 minutes away from the club.

She sat down on the nearest wall and pulled out her phone, not only was her ribs hurting, her chest was now starting to hurt whenever she inhaled.

She brought up jays number and began ringing him.

No answer.

So she tried again...

No answer.

Maybe he's with mouse?

She began ringing mouse, only for the phone to ring three times, he answered right away...
Mouse: "hello El..."
Ella: "is jay with you?"
Mouse: "yeah? he's right here"
Ella: "I tried calling but there was no answer..."
Mouse: "what's going on? You sound tired"
Ella: "I hate to be a pain in the ass but could one of you come get me? I kinda started walking back to jays place, and I think I need to go to med..."
Mouse: "med? Why? Are you okay?"
Ella: "jay can explain, I'm by the subway..."
Mouse: "on our way"
Ella: "thanks..."


"El!" Mouse yelled out of his car window.

Ella looked up, her fade face, and quickly stood up before making her way over to his car.

"I told you to go to med earlier" jay turned around from his place in the passenger seat, his voice stern.

"Yeah yeah..." she huffed.

"You're a little pale..." the brunette added in concern.

"I'm sure it's nothing, I'm fine..." She held her side in pain as mouse began driving.

"Shut up saying that..." mouse laughed to himself.

Ella shook her head and smiled.

"You're always fine, that's your problem" mouse raised his eyebrows through the rear view mirror.

"Hm" Ella hummed as a pain shot up her chest.


"You need a name tag for this place" Will Halstead wandered into Ella's treatment room.

"Might be a wise investment" she laughed, only for a pain to shoot up her side again

"Let's take a look..." Will pulled a pair of gloves on.

Jay narrowed his eyes at his brother as the red head looked over his shoulder, he better not say anything...

Mouse was currently stood outside having a chinwag with a nurse he used to know, given that he's always distracted by people.

"We'll there isn't much bruising on the outside, and the bruising that's there isn't major so that's alright. However that does mean the injury is inside, so imma need to get an x-Ray to see what's going on" Will nodded and took his gloves off. 

"Fire away" Ella sighed and rolled her shirt back down.

"Have you been drinking too?" Will raised his eyebrows.

"Only a few glasses..." she shrugged.

"A few you say" Will laughed before leaving the room.

"How many?" Jay sighed.

"How many what?" Ella folded her arms as she sat on the hospital bed opposite.

"How many glasses have you had?" He pulled an amused face.

"5" she shrugged. 

"That's not a few" he sighed.

"It is a few and a bit" she huffed. 

Jay knew she wasn't drunk, just tipsy, it takes a lot to get her drunk.


"Alright, well luckily for you, you haven't fractured any ribs. But you do have a minor pneumothorax, which should heal on its own if you stay away from strenuous activities" will held his iPad in front of him.

"So I can go back to work" Ella yawned.

"I'd say desk duty until Christmas, then you should be fine" Will nodded with a small smile on his face.

"Ugh, great" Ella hopped off the bed.

"And can i trust you to take your meds at the right time?" The red head held out a bag of pain meds.

"Course" Ella smiled up at the older Halstead.

"I'll make sure of it" jay sighed.

"Alright, take it easy El" Will nodded. 

"You too, gingerbread" Ella ruffled up wills hair on the way out.

Jay let out a loud snicker, Ella always finds new nicknames for his brother, it's hilarious.

"Shut up, or I'll tell her you love her" Will pulled a face.

"You wouldn't dare" jay nudged his brothers arm. 

Will smiled and shook his head as his brother followed Ella and mouse out of med, god he really is obvious...

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