Pov:Jessica- an escape

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I woke up feeling better but knew sang and I was still in Derrick clutches I open my eyes and look around I notice that Derrick is curled up around sang and I would bet my bottom dollar that she's not going to like that I know she loves my brother and his friends plus she's having their babies it hits me then Derrick is asleep and I know sang is a light sleeper this is our chance for an escape I nudge her making sure not to wake the dummy in the process she wakes eyes wide and I point to my lips to Derrick and finally the door she gives me a true smile we both move slowly and silently and make it to the bedroom door and manage to get it open together silently and I feel like a ninja at this moment I look next to me and I'm feeling free a few more feet and we will be out the door I know we can do this we reach the door unlock it and start to turn the door handle when creek it creeks open we both look behind us no Derrick thank god we make it to the front steps jumping down we hit grass and start running down the drive way and thump to the ground I go I've been tackled I try to struggle but I'm no match sang just looks at me "run" I say but Derrick already has me up and in a tight clutch and hands on sangs shoulder crud. "Jessica I will take you back tomorrow,Sang sweetie come on." crud so close I look at sang and she has tears in her eyes and I can feel mine ready to spill we really aren't going to get out of this are we.

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