Pov: Victor

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I couldn't be happier that this mission was complete now to just get the report out of the way then I could go see my princess with that thought I know I'm smiling and probably like a loon but I really don't care, sang holds my heart like no other ever could and a smile always appears when I'm thinking of her, I let out a chuckle as I realize I'm always thinking of my princess in one way or another. Sang is everything that I ever wanted but thought I would never would have found I figured I would end up with a snobby inconsiderate woman as a wife someone my parents picked for me but, we found sang and I wouldn't trade that for anything and when I turn 18 there is nothing either of my parents can do, and tomorrow I a long side of my brothers was going to ask that beautiful princess to be ours and then we could have our happily ever after. I put my car in park and wait for doc and Luke to get out so I can lock it up so we can get inside finish our report and go home to my princess.

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