I'm sorry

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TW: Talk of und3r4ge p0rn. Please click off if you are uncomfortable with this topic.




I'll get straight to the point. I'm not gonna write anything for this book anymore due to the recent reveal of Amor drawing underage porn of real people

I am honestly extremely disappointed in him for doing this, I looked up to him but now I don't know how to feel about him.

Hell one of my preferred names is Amor (I go by two names, Rai or Amor) because I liked the sound of it but now I don't know whether I wanna continue using it because all I'll remember when hearing that name is how badly Amoraltra fucked up.

Now I know I could separate the characters from the creator or however the saying goes however this year has be absolutely shit and I need time to process of of this.

I may continue to update this book one day but for now, it is discontinued.

Thank for reading 'Bob Gang Stuff' and have a wonderful day/night.


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