The Boiling Isles

Start from the beginning

Luz: That doesn't count right?

Madelene: Don't worry I got it.

Madelene who had a smile on her face from what happened went to get the snake off the principal.


Madelene's POV

Luz and I were standing on the sidewalk in front of our house waiting for the bus that'll take her to camp, and me being the awesome sister figure I am, decided to go with her to make it less boring. That and I have nothing planned for the summer. Luz was slouching a bit and had a frown on her face while I was beside her with my phone in my hand and the other in my hoodies pocket, we both have bags on us with things we'll need at camp like sleeping bags, extra clothes, bug spray, tooth brushes... you get the idea.

I look over to Luz thinking on what to say to at least cheer her up, she's pretty bummed out about this whole camp thing and giving up things that makes her, well her.

Madelene: Hey, chin maybe camp won't be as bad.

She didn't say anything only nodded her head. Camilla then walked out of the front door over to Luz and hugged her.

Camilla: Oh my baby. Now don't worry summer camp is only going to be for three months. You'll be so busy balancing checkbooks and learning to appreciate public radio, the time will fly by.

Luz faced her mom and held out her arms.

Luz: But I don't like any of that stuff. I like editing anime clips to music and reading fantasy books with convoluted backstories.

Luz pulled out her favorite Good Witch Azura Book out of her bag and held it in front of her.

Camilla: Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends, apart from Madelene? Not imagined or drawn or reptilian.

I didn't want to say anything as I knew she had a point, Luz really didn't really have any other friends apart from me. Luz then walked over to the trash bin with her book.

Camilla: Summer camp is a chance to make some new friends, but you have to try. Can you do that?

I know that Camilla means well and wants what is best for her but is this really the only way? Luz had a thoughtful expression thinking about what to do as she tightly held her book. 

Luz: Yes mom.

Then with what I could only assume is a heavy decision she placed her book in the bin. Camilla was proud of her daughter giving this a shot, to make other friends. Camilla's phone then buzzed, she pulled it out of her purse to look at the message.

Camilla: Oh, I gotta go to work.

She walked over to Luz and kissed her forehead which I think was 3-5 times.

Camilla: You're bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. Cuídate mucho mi hija que te vaya bien. (Take good care of yourself my daughter, good luck.)

Luz: Bye mom.

She then turned to me and hugged me, and I returned it. She broke the hug and held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

Camilla: Cuidala por mí, ¿de acuerdo? (Watch her for me, okay?)

I smiled and gave her a nod.

Madelene: Está bien. (All right.)

She nodded then headed off to the veterinarian where she works. Once Camilla was far enough away Luz immediately dug through the trash for her book.

Luz: Where is it?

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