"Hey girl come on I was waiting for you" she said waving me over to her. I sat down in the seat and immediately someone started doing my feet as she did my nails.

"Hey what you been up to" I asked as I relaxed and let her do her thing. She always knew what I wanted.

"Girl nothing dealing with this nigga Ashton" she said rolling her eyes as she filed my nails and applied the acrylic.

"Girl you and yo baby daddy a mess. Y'all need to stop acting like that y'all don't want each other" I said shaking my head

"No he a mess and I ain acting like nothing. The only thing I need from him is his child support and dat dick. Okay" she said. I couldn't help but to laugh she is too much. I looked up and seen a girl mugging me.

"Do we have a problem?" I said titling my head to the side. She waved me off and turned her attention to back to the person that was doing her nails. I rolled my eyes

They finished and admired my white toes and my freshly done nails.

"Thank y'all. I'll text you Melody" I said paying and leaving tip. I went next door and got my hair done.

"How you want it" Trevor asked with his hand on his hip waiting for my response

"You know how I like it" I said as he rolled his eyes and did my hair. I put a mirror in front of my face and I loved it per usual

"Thanks bitch, I love it as always" I said paying him. He waved me off

"And stop waiting so long to come to me bitch you know I hate how you let your natural hair color peak" he said counting his money with his long nails.  I took out my phone to take a look

  I took out my phone to take a look

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I waved bye

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I waved bye. I walked around debating on which store to go to when I guy kept staring at me seductively. I felt immediately uncomfortable and I went straight to footlocker because I was in need of some new shoes.

"Welcome to footlocker can I help you with anything" this tall gentleman asked. I shook my head no

"No just looking thank you" I said turning my attention back to the shoes. He disappeared but I felt a set of eyes on me. I turned around to see a group of girls whispering and pointing at me. I ignored them not feeling the need to drag a bitch today. I then signaled the same guy over to me.

"Can I get these and these in a size 5 1/2" I said handing him the yeezy 700 and Jordan 4. He nodded and I went to grab the shoes. I searched around the store waiting for him to come back when I heard my phone go ding

Text messages
Big Daddy Aug🍆: Get sum to eat while you out I know yo ass didn't eat nun yet

I laughed at the text and put it back in my pocket making a metal note to change that ridiculous name

"Would you like to try them on" he said holding the shoes

"No" I said. He nodded and placed them on the counter while this young girl rung them up.

"That'll be 824.24" she said bagging my shoes I pulled out my card and swiped. She looked up and covered her mouth. I was so confused

"Omg your August Alsina's girlfriend" she said jumping up and down. I just looked at her like she was crazy.

"Omg can I take a picture with you" she said pulling out her phone. I looked around waiting for someone to pop out and say this was a joke

"Um I'm not august Alsina girlfriend. Maybe you got the wrong girl" I said taking my bag.

"No, this is you right?" she said showing me her phone that had a picture of me in august car. I read the caption and wanted to cry. Everyone knew I was a stripper. I cleared my throat and looked round at everyone staring at me

"Um excuse me" I said walking out and getting in my car.

I broke down crying, I was so angry for being so careless that night. I pulled off and went home, I was so mad at myself. I went upstairs to my room and looked through my medicine cabinet. I grabbed my leg razor and broke it down until it was just the razor , I stared at it contemplating rather to go back down that road again. I threw  the razor and picked up my phone. I didn't notice who I was calling until she answered

"Ms. Johnson" my therapist questioned. I stayed silent and whimpered.

"Hello?" She said. I gathered my emotions and spoke

"Hi um is this a bad time" I asked her

"Never. I wonder what happened to our sessions Ms. Johnson. Please come in whenever you ready" she said. I took a deep breathe.

"Okay will do thank you Heather" I said as I hung up the phone.

I went in the bathroom and pinned my hair up. I went to my tub and ran some bath water I added some bubbles and waited for it to fill. I stripped out of my clothes and got in relaxing every muscle in my body. I heard footsteps rushing upstairs and coming in my room. I looked up and rolled my eyes

"How'd you get in here Kenzie" I said hugging my knees.

"Girl you know we got keys to each other cribs in case of an emergency. why tf you not answering your phone" Kenzie said with her hand on her hip

"You never called me I texted you multiple times" I said waving her off

"I had to get a new phone because Chris dumbass thought airplane mode meant my phone could fly out the fucking window" she said rolling her eyes and sitting down on the toilet. I chuckled a little

"Ahmira please don't tell me" she said shaking her head looking at the razor in the floor. I shook my head

"No I didn't. I was but I didn't" I said. She sighed in relief. "What did you text me about" she said looking down at me.

"August stayed 2 nights here" I said looking up at her. Her eyes widen then soften smirking

"No we didn't do anything but he is very..sweet" I said

"Wait but didn't your therapist tell you....." she started before I cut her off

"I know I know that's why I texted you" I said shaking my head. She got up and rubbed my back

"It's going to be okey Mira I'm always here for you but baby you gotta visit her like tomorrow, Okay? I don't want you to go back to those days" she said with concerned eyes. I nodded agreeing I needed to see her asap, it's been years.

I know it's short but listen. If you ever feel suicidal or feel like you should do self harm there are resources for you to get help. I promise you are not alone and it's someone out there that will listen to you. Please don't end your life or do  self harm over temporary pain. What ever you are going through it will get better. It may not seem like it but it will i promise.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Please someone will listen

You Deserve Better: August Alsina Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now