Chapter 1: Prologue

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Hello, this is the first sport fanfiction I have made so far! I am excited to write this new book for the first time, and I hope you enjoy this story. Lastly, I am not going to upload this as often, because of school. But other than that, I do hope you enjoy my story!

~~~ (Our MC P.O.V)~~~

My name is Aoyama, I am 25 years old, I don't have a goal currently, as I haven't lived up to anything in my life. I used to have a dream of being a football player, but that was crushed when I sustained an injury to my anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) when I was 13, which stopped me from playing any sports. I still had a passion for football, in that I love watching it, some of my favorite teams were Barcelona, Chelsea, and of course Real Madrid. But I had a preference, I just enjoyed watching the beautiful game.

After that, I have just gone the educational route, in which I just go to school and just hang out with friends. My life was pretty boring, and there was barely anything excitable in my life. My parents never really cared for me, only giving me a place to sleep and food. Other than that my parents don't know who I am as a person, which hurts a lot on the inside.

I was walking to work when I suddenly spot something peculiar, I saw a bookstore and in front of the store was a new manga named Blue Lock. I went into the bookstore and bought the first volume of the manga, and when I read it, I was addicted. It was like love at first sight, the character and art were perfections to me. It was at this time I realise that I have found something I like for the first time in a long time. It was like something opened inside me, that wanted to come out in a long time.

As new volumes started to come out I read up to the point where team Blue Lock faced against the Japan U-20 team with the inclusion of Itoshi Sae and Ryusei Shidou. There is one thing I have to say about Ryusei Shidou...










This dude is really weird. What kind of guy gets all horny when he scores a goal and states, "that the dopamine is kicking in?" But all in all, I enjoyed Blue-Lock up to that point and I still watched football to this day, but not as much anymore because of my job and all that.

While I was getting work, something interesting happened to me, it was just a regular day of going to my job as a salesman, I was crossing the street until I heard a familiar sound.

I turned to my left and saw the legendary being that has killed many main characters in numerous fan fiction. A being so powerful that it has shifted realities itself by its sheer presence.

It was...














The Legendary, "TRUCK-KUN," when I saw its appearance, I wanted to run away, but I realized that there was nothing for me to do or live in this world anymore. My parents never really cared for me, and the only thing that is keeping me entertained in this godforsaken world is manga and anime. So I just stood there and waited for my inevitable fate to come.

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