~Chapter 6~ a cover up

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Yuzuha smiled "Good so is everyone going?" She asked

Everyone nodded smiley looked at Maki and winked "Sure if Maki's going" he said

Maki rolled her eyes then looked at Bunko "You going?" She asked

Bunko nodded "Yeah it sounds fun" in actuality she was only going cause Chifuyu was going other wise she wasn't gonna go

Maki sighed "Alright I'll go" she said

Y/n looked around she was still worried cause she didn't know where Draken was "Uh hey do you guys know where Draken is?" She asked the group

Maki smirked "Who's Draken? And it was y/n correct?" Bunko looked at Maki "please don't start" she said in Korean

"What I'm not doing anything" Maki said in Korean

Y/n sighed "Yes you are and why are you both here? Why'd you follow me? Huh? I came here to get away from the both of you? Why can't you guys let me be happy?" She asked in Korean

(Everyone else not knowing what there saying👀)

"Uh is everything alright?" Asked Takemichi

Y/n chuckled awkwardly "Yeah Bunko asked me for a tampon it's that time of the month you know? Let's go to the class I have my bag there and I can give you one Maki since you and Bunko seem close you should come" Y/n said as she was trying to cover everything up

Takemichi chuckled "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry you three go ahead" he said

Chifuyu nodded in agreement "Yeah Bana-Chan if you need something don't be afraid to ask me" he said with a smile

Mikey laughed "That's enough lover boy let them go" he said

Y/n chuckled "Alright let's go guys" she said as her Maki and Bunko left to go to the class

Hina who had taken Korean for a while understood their whole convocation "So she does know them I wonder what she was talking about" she thought to herself

The three girls where already in the bathroom y/n sighed "Why the fuck are you two here? Huh? Why did you both follow me?" She asked

Bunko sighed "We didn't know you came here okay? When you left we never thought you'd come here to Japan" she said calmly

Maki balled up her fist "You serious you fuckin bitch? How where we suppose to know you came here huh? We had no clue alright not everything is about you and you need to know that" she said angrily "Maybe if you weren't so selfish you would know that Bunko and I always wanted to come here but never did because we wanted to stay with that gang and you"

"Me selfish!? Please I was never selfish I stayed and lead the gang and for fuck sakes I was the best leader there ever was you know that Bunko knows that and so did everyone else" said y/n as she walked up closer and closer to Maki she had a bad temper that only a few knew about "I'm a better person then you'll ever be I was never selfish you were the one that hurt innocent people you were the one who hurt her own family and lastly" said y/n as she got louder "You were the fuckin bitch that got our leader my older brother killed because you were to much of a pussy"

Bunko got between the two girls and tried to break it up "Come on guys let's calm down alright? I know you don't mean any of that y/n and I know you don't mean any of that Maki we may not be friends but please let's calm down" she said

"Bunko shut up that was always  your problem when we grew up you were always to nice and never knew how to stand up for yourself your just a pathetic loser" Y/n said as she put her face close to Bunko's "That's why your dad left because you were to weak"

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