I moved into the student dorms by the way. And I know that my parents live like three stops away, but I wanted my own space. Oh and I have a roommate, so that didn't really work. His name's Jared. I've only spoken to him once but he seemed alright, normal. Except he's got this copy of The Little Prince that he covets like it's worth more than his life or something. Who knows, maybe it's special edition?

My return flight has been booked for august 5th. Wanna come meet me at the airport?

Yours Truly,



20/07/13 - 2:33 AM

You're not being dramatic. And you're allowed to be upset you know.

Jared sounds... kind of strange. But hey, if he sucks as a roommate you can always just move back in with your parents. Like you said, they live really close. Now, I'm curious about that copy of The Little Prince. Do you remember when we had to read it for AP Lit?

There was that one line,

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

I don't know, I just think about it sometimes. I think it's referring to how time is the most valuable thing a person can have. Making it the most valuable thing a person can give. No matter how rich you are or how good of a person you are, you can never get any more of it. It's just finite.

Like, a parent can buy their child extravagant and expensive things, but the child would probably love them more if they spent time together. Relationships thrive on quality time and that could also be why long distance so often doesn't workout. And I've never been more grateful for anything that you've given me, then the gift of your time.

There will be other summers, next year, the year after that, and every year for the rest of your life. But you'll never get this time back, and you can be upset about that. I know that I am.

Also, I've started seeing someone.

Lina xx


20/07/13 Unsent

You've started seeing someone? Who? Is it someone I know?


21/07/13 Unsent

Good for you. I'm not surprised.

I mean, I don't think it would be hard for you to find someone?


26/07/13 - 11:01 PM

That's nice. How did you meet him?

Assuming it is a 'him'.

Yours truly,



27/07/13 - 4:53 AM

Yes, he is a him. His name's Martin and I met him at work.

He's nice. I think you'd like him.

Lina xx


That was a lie.

Martin was a regular at the cafe where Lina worked. He'd come in every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning without fault, and order the same black coffee each time, always double shot, never with sugar. This was all true, but Lina was lying when she told Timothee that she thought he'd like Martin.

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