Isabella, Gabriella and You...

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You start to wake up and you feel arms wrapped around you with a head also nuzzled into your neck. You tried to slowly get up but you feel someone pull you back and groan. You turn to face Danny and you see him staring at you. “Good morning darling, how did you sleep?” He says with his sleepy morning voice. You say “I slept amazing, this bed is very comfortable. The blankets were a beautiful shade of silver and the see through curtains falling down from the top of the bed were too an elegant shade of silver. You giggle a little when Danny buries his face into your chest and says “Stay in bed my love, five more minutes please.” “Oh come on, time to get up Danny.” you say. You try to pull away again to try to get up but Danny wouldn’t let you again. What he did next shocked but yet surprised you. He got up but as you did the same he pushed you down so he was on top of you. The blushing mess that you are at the moment you try to form words but can’t. He chuckled “What wrong, flustered?” You look at him and say “S-shut up D-danny I’m fine.” You push him off and get up and walk to Arny’s room, which was weird because you never rarely talked to him and for some reason you wanted to ask a favor. Because you were cold plus you were only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. You knock and you hear “Come in” you open the door and Arny is on his bed reading a book, it was called “Treasures Untold.” You look out the door and then shut it, then turn. “Hey um it’s freezing and I-I was wondering if I could borrow a sweatshirt.” You say in embarrassment while looking down, “Damn it Danny, why couldn’t you have had at least one sweatshirt I could have worn.” you say to yourself.  He chuckles “Sure Love I don’t mind, actually you can keep it.” He walks toward his closet and once he grabs the sweat shirt he walks to you. “Here Love, it might be big.” He says “Oh that’s ok I like baggy sweatshirts.” After you put it on Arny lightly grabs your face and lifts it. “What do you say darling?” You get nervous and your face starts to turn red. “T-thank you for the sweatshirt Arny.” He smiles at you and what he says next makes the butterflies in your stomach twirl. “Good Girl.” You lightly push him away and say “Why do I feel like you and Danny are going to flirt with me until I date one or the other.” “My love because that’s exactly what we are going to do.” You nodded “Haha good to know.” He just looks at you “Hm if I had known that you looked this cute in my sweatshirts I would have let you wear it sooner.” You pout turn around and tried to walk out but Arny pulled you back in his room. “Hey, where are you doing?” Again he just stares at you until he softly kisses you. You were shocked but then you couldn’t help yourself and melted into the kiss. After a few kisses he pulls away. Looking down at you he smirks at you, and he said something in your ear “Danny has a temper and so do I, but I’m easier with controlling it then he is. So love if you choose me I will give you endless love, attention, respect and a little bit of spice. But that’s for you to disided.” Then you moved and he opened the door for you. But before you walk out the door you turned around without hesitation and said “I choose you Arny always will.” Then you ran towards the stairs and slid down the arm of it. You saw William and Brandon sitting with your besties. “Good morning besties!” They both get up and run to you and say “Hola Bestie!” You then say “¿Cómo estás?” “Bien” they say. Brandon and William are just sitting there staring at us. And then you spill the tea. “So you know that we have talked about me being in love with Arny and Danny, while I think I just fell in love with one of them. Isabella said Um ¿Tu novio es Arny? You look at both of them and say “Si es Arny” Both of them look at you and say “We knew it!” All three of you looked at William and Brandon. They were shocked and William said “Honestly I thought you were going to go for Danny.” “Yeah me too but hey congratulations sweetheart.” Gabriella did not like it when he called you that, she wasn’t mad at you but she just went and sat on Brandon’s lap and said “Si alguna vez la vuelves a llamar así te lastimaré señor.” He chuckles, he pushes her down on her knees and grabs her throat “Sweetheart please don’t make me put you in your place in front of you friend and your sister.” “I’m sorry mi amor, Me comportaré. He lets go and she waits to be allowed to get up once he nods and she runs toward us saying “Vamos, Vamos!” You and Isabell laugh and start to run to the stairs towards my room as I say “Girl, when are you gonna learn to control your anger.” She looked at me and rolled her eyes “Cállate perra.” As soon as she said that, Brandon looked up and started walking towards us because you and the girls weren't supposed to swear at all even though you guys do it when they're not around. At this point you and the girls were half way up the stairs and you all look back and you say without thinking “Oh shit we definitely fucked up.” They look at me and say as they grab my hand and run to my room “Eres tonta o que!” You think William and Brandon told Arny about what you said, cause you could hear all three of them coming really close to your door. Of course, Danny isn’t here but his dumbass wouldn’t help. Gabriella is hiding in my big closet, Isabella is hiding under the bed(so predictable), and as for you you're hiding in your shower. You don’t know why Isabella is hiding. She didn’t do anything but who knows she likes to cause trouble once and a while. Gabriella was found first cause you heard her yell something unclear. Then Isabella was found but you heard William say that she had really nothing to worry about. Then there was you left, hiding trying not to make any noise. Just then you heard footsteps and your heart started beating really fast. The door to your bathroom OPENED. You were thinking, well this is the end, I mean he really can’t do anything you and him aren’t even dating yet. Your eyes were shut and you knew that he knew you were in there. He opened the shower curtain and you opened your eyes but it wasn’t him it was Isabella. You were never more happy in your entire life. You walk out in relief until you see all four of them. “Shit Danny’s back, this is bad.” You said thinking to yourself. You turned to Isabella and said “Where is Gabriella?” All she did was look at Brandon, so he got her great. “This was a setup Isabella.” you say with fear in your eyes. She says “lo siento, amor.” “Estás perdonado.” you say with a sigh. You look back at the men and say “What are you gonna “punish” me?” Isabella whispers “Don’t because Arny or Danny might actually.” You laugh and look at them then her “You're bluffing.” Arny steps forward and says “She’s not bluffing my love.” You look at him and think this is the moment you knew you fucked up.

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