Where The Hell Am I?

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You turn back to face the men and before you could get another chance to speak another man walked out of the darkness. “Now I’m confused, there's four of you?!” You say shocked yet confused. The man looks at me up and down and says “Why haven’t you killed her yet?” The man had brown hair as well. And his eyes were brown too. But his suit had a red tie and the rest of the suit was the darkest black you’ve seen yet. Your hands start to shake a little. You think to yourself “Haha yay my Anxiety is coming out, fast.” You felt more brave with your friend here but now she’s gone. You can feel your heart starting to race, and you try to think of what to do but can’t. Also it doesn’t really help that ancient vampires are standing right infront of you. So your dumbass runs away because you were scared and your instincts said to run so you did. The men looked at eachother, smirked then split up. As you were running you had no clue where you were, You just kept running. After a while you stopped to take a breath, you were in track and field so you can run, like run. But you think that stopping was a big mistake, because just then you see Danny ten feet in front of you, while spread out were the rest of them. Then Brandon said “Oh and before you started running we were going to tell you that this is William.” He just smirked at you like he won which he didn’t. You being smart trying not to act scared, you thinking you are smarter and stronger than vampires say “Whatever you guys are planning I will always be one step ahead of you.” They all chuckle and Arny says “Love, are you sure about that?” As you started to look around Danny was gone. “Shit!” You say as you try not to panic. Brandon looks at me and finally speaks “Aw what’s wrong sweetheart scared?” This guy is really gonna piss you off, but right before you could say anything Danny appears out of nowhere and you fall right up against a tree. He looks down at you, but you refuse to look at him. You think to yourself “Shit, shit, shit what the hell am I supposed to do?!” Then you hear “Look at me darling.” Guess what you don't do, so he does it himself and lightly lifts your chin and our eyes are locked. He says calmly “If you don’t cooperate this will be a lot harder than it needs to be, so you will come with us, because we gave our word not to hurt you but if you are bratty then we might have to. Is that understood?” Without even thinking you say “Yes sir.” “Good” he let go and stepped back. “Oh and my apologies I’m usually very respectful with boundaries, I got ahead of myself.” You just nodded. You were lost for words, he’s cinnamon smell was captivating you. Your mind went blank until you felt a needle go into your arm and you were out like a light. (Time Skip 12 hours) You start to wake up and your head was killing you. “What the hell happened?” “God talk about disrespect.” you say. Once you and your eyes adjust you look around and the room you were in, it was big and very beautiful. You get off the bed and look straight ahead and your eyes grow wide. “It’s a bookshelf!” You run towards it and you scan through the books and pick out one that stands out to you, “The Water Fountain.” But first you set the book down and think “Where the hell am I?” As you walk toward the door and open it you see a hallway, but at the somewhat end of the hallway there were stairs. You start to walk down the hallway, but before you do you shut the door of the room you were just in and you look up and you see Y/N. “Wait I didn’t tell them my name, but how-” (Flashback) “You expect me to leave you here with vampires hell no Y/N!” “Are you crazy?!” You laugh “Oh yeah, she’s stubborn.” You look at the doors next to yours and they read Isabella and Gabriella. You whisper “Wait there are other girls here too, what the fuck?!” You keep walking and there was an opening like a deck but on the stairs, you look out and you see the door to leave. It’s currently 10pm the next day “Shit I slept for that long!?” “I have to get out now.” But what catches your eye are the doors to your right that read Danny, Arny, Brandon, and William. You're not really worried so you turn and there are the stairs. You start to walk down the stairs and when you get to the bottom you tip toed towards the door and “Yes success!” you say in excitement. But then you hear someone say something. It was Danny. He sips his tea before saying “Going somewhere darling?” You freeze and slowly turn around and say in your head “Fuck not again.” You struggle to maintain eye contact and say “Um I-I was going for a walk.” He sighs and slowly gets up and fixes his sleeves and says “You know, I hate being lied to so I’ll ask again, and if you lie to me again I will give you 30 seconds to run and hide and when I find you there will be consequences. Is that understood?” “Yes sir, but how will you know if I’m lying or not?” He chuckles “I’ve been around for a long time and I’ve had many individuals lie to me before, so let’s just say it’s a talent.” You turn away in embarrassment, while Danny takes another sip of his tea. As he finishes he says once again “So Beautiful, where were you going?” You take a deep breath and reply “I was going to leave because I was scared, I was going to my best friend.” You say with tears in your eyes “I'm sorry.” you say. As you lift your head to look at him he’s sitting and calmly says “It’s alright lovely, come here.” You felt safe for just a moment so you walked towards him, and before you knew it you were right in front of him. He has his arms out for you and you sit on his lap and put your face into his chest with that sweet scent of cinnamon once again captivated you. Then you say “Danny?” “Hm, what is it?” he says “How do you control it, the hunger for blood when you're around people.” He sighs and looks out the window and says “Well my darling it took practice I can assure you that.” “Many years with the help of my friends.”

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