The girl whimpered at this action.

            My father tsk me still standing behind me.

            "Seems Indigo has forgotten how to behave, father." Drake spoke. "Kneel." He commanded.

            I dropped to my knees like I had done hundreds of times before and to my horror so did the girl in front of me. Oh no, they couldn't have done that.

            "Yes Indigo, this here is Cleo. She is a beauty." My father slowly walked to her and ran his hand down her face at his last statement.

            Drake came closer to me though, "She doesn't need nearly as much correction as you always did. Such a shame really, I always seeing your porcelain skin color for me. You were my very own masterpiece."  He had a crazy gleam in his eyes that he would always get when he was going to correct me. "I still have the pictures I took of your skin all painted with blues, purples, reds, blacks, and yellows." He closed his eyes as though he were imagining it and a smile played on his face.

            "When you decided to leave us dear baby girl, we had to find a replacement for the hole you left in our lives." I gasp when he confirms my worst thought of this situation. "You'd be surprised how easy it is to buy someone." My father spoke as though he were merely talking about the weather. "Now you've finally come back to us." A cruel smile played on his lips.

            "I came back because Aunt Rose called me, she said mom was sick and, in the hospital, dying." I somehow found the courage to explain hoping to appeal to the part of him that must love his wife.

            My father waved his hand, "That bitch died 4 hours ago. Good riddance! Especially now we have our favorite doll back." He moved closer to me again.

            "What? You don't even care that she's gone?" I ask in disbelief and begin to panic.

            "Nope, it will make our play time much easier." Drake said close to my ear.

            "Now Indi, you've been a bad girl. Do you remember what happens to bad girls?" My father asked me with a knowing look.

            "They get corrected." I whispered out through clenched teeth.

            "Very good baby girl, maybe you haven't forgotten everything after all." My father praised me with mock pride.

            "Cleo, finish cleaning up from dinner and then bathe. We'll be wanting some fun with you later. Indi was never much fun after one of her corrections. So that treat will be left to you doll." Drake commanded Cleo with a wink at the end. I struggled not to throw up in my mouth at the knowledge of what they were going to do to her.

            Suddenly Drake grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back harshly before tying them together. I knew better that to struggle. They could both easily over take me and struggling made the correction worse.

My father watched this before turning around and walking towards the back of the house and out the back door. My brother pushed me in front of him as we followed his path. They took me to their shop. Tears began to fall down my face knowing what was about to come.

My brother shoved me through the door to the shed harshly causing me to land on my side. Then came over to me and grinned down at me before stomping on my wrist. I felt it break. I couldn't help but cry out.

"oooo I always loved when you would make those sweet noises for me baby sister." Drake said with his eyes closed savoring the moment.

"You're going to like this baby girl, this is a new addition since you left us. Get her on the hook drake." My father commanded.

Drake yanked me up causing me to cry out from the pain of it. Drake drew in a shaky breath next to my ear and the ground his crotch into my back side. "Little sister, you won't be any fun tonight for this when we're done with you, but I cannot wait until tomorrow when we can really play." He licked the side of my face after that and then began dragging me over to the center of the building where I saw my father standing with a remote in his hand and a hook hanging next to him. Drake attached the rope to hook.

My father took on a fake look of care over his face as he came closer to me and touched my cheek softly. "Now baby girl, admit to me that you deserve this?"

"Yes, daddy." I knew if I didn't play along it would only be worse.

"That's my good girl, I only do this because I love you." I cringe and close my eyes at that statement.

It's then that I feel the hook begin to rise and take my hands with it. I cry out when it slowly forces my arms to an awkward angle.

I open my eyes to see my father in front of me with a slight smile. I knew what was about to come. Without taking his eyes from me he said, "Drake 2."

Drake came at me so quick with two upcuts into my lower ribs. I felt them crack beneath the force of his punches. It hurt to breath after that.

My father walked behind me, but I knew what he was going after. "Now baby girl, I'm going to have to give you 40 lashes for your disobedience of leaving us."

I heard the whip unwind and closed my eyes tight, readying myself for what was to come. My brother came up to me and using a knife he ripped off my top, exposing my back to them.

"Remember I do this because I love you." My father said calmly just before I heard the swish of the whip.

My screams tore through the night and thankfully it didn't take long for me to give in to the darkness from the pain. The last things I heard were the swishes and cracks of the whip and Drakes manic laughter of joy.

Two Different Souls Collide (Blood & Bones MC Book 3)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum