Chapter Three: Doll-house

Start from the beginning

"There isn't." Ray said matter-of-factly, "Emma you haven't realized, have you?"

Norman looked up, suddenly very alarmed

"Ray wait!"

Ray smirked, Norman gulped, Emma made a noise of confusion while [Name] twirled her hair with her finger,

"...Ahh, I see," he patted Norman's shoulder, "Is that why you wanted to speak to me separately, hm?

The albino sweatdropped, he looked at the [e/c]-eyed girl standing beside him, the girl looked at him too and mouth-shrugged, and the raven-nette continued.

"You're much better off with being blunt with people like her."

"Emma needs to know, Norman, whether she likes it or not." [Name] added, Ray pushed the albino aside, moving towards the carrot top smugly.

"Emma we can't just escape this place, we know that those demons want our bodies because there is some sort of demand out there, the fact this farm even exists proves this much. Outside it's a nation of demons.

Worst case scenario, there's no place for us humans to live. If we attempt to take them with us, none of us will make it. We've got to leave them behind. That's the best solution we've got."

Silent followed Ray's words, the albino shut his eyes tightly, waiting for Ray's words to sink, [Name] was looking at Emma, the [h/c] was quite surprised, Emma didn't care, she stood there indifferent;

"No way!"

[Name] and Ray staggered, the raven-nette looked thunderstruck, like an invisible pot had fallen off and hit him on his head, Norman smiled, and the [h/c] laughed at the look on Ray's face, Name] had to admit, even though this was supposed to be a tense moment, the look on Ray's face was priceless.


[Name] tried not to laugh.

"Let's figure out a way to do it!" Emma argued back, "It might be impossible but I still want to take everyone with us!

I want it to end with just Conny. I don't want any of us to die,
I can't bear to think of letting anyone else end up like that. Still...
leaving those kids isn't a plausible option in my eyes. If there's no place for humans to live, then let's make one for ourselves- Let's be the ones who change the world!

I won't back down!"

"She's crazy!" [Name] claimed aggravated, "Emma we just can't, those kids will die out there!"

Norman smiled fondly.

"I've already decided." she said through gritted teeth, "Ray, thanks to you I've realized..."

"Oh yeah, thank you, Ray!" [Name] laughed sarcastically.

"That this is just the kind of jailbreak we have to orchestrate and that's that!"

Norman and Ray had the same puzzled look on their face, [Name] blinked bewildered, the atmosphere there was tense yet funny.

"...Are you kidding me?" Ray asked startled.

Emma launched herself on Ray, Norman bursts out laughing, the raven-nette pushed Emma away, [Name] glared at Norman, but the albino held his hands up in surrender, the girl continued to look at Emma, she was having a full tantrum, stomping her foot on the floor and covering her ears as she shouted 'I won't, I won't' over and over.

"Control your child!" [Name] warned Norman, which made him crack up even more.

"My child!?"

[Name] smiled, being completely honest, chaos was her thing. Norman had been laughing so much that his stomach had started to hurt, she turned to him, "It's nice to see her so energetic isn't it?'

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