Staying Late [KyloRenxReader] II

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Part 2 (3772 words)

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"Hi, how are you doing?" Rose greets you as soon as you enter Naboo. You blink in surprise. This attitude towards you is the exact opposite of how she treated you last time.

"Lunch for you and Mister Ren?"

"Ehm, yes." You nod, looking around the otherwise almost empty café.

"Just a minute." She gives you another bright smile before disappearing into what you assume is the kitchen.

It leaves you standing awkwardly at the counter by yourself. You cross your arms just to let them fall down again. You don't want to appear rude. Just like yesterday, it's raining outside. It's annoying but it also makes you feel less bad about spending the entire day inside an office.

Said office is extremely busy today as everyone preps for trial. It will start after the weekend. Yesterday, a lot of your colleagues were out doing God knows what to gather information. Today, everyone is in, filling the air with a buzz of constant stress and hurry. You have no idea how they will survive this energy for the rest of the week. It stresses you out by proxy since you're sitting in the same room. And you haven't even seen Ren yet.

"There you go." Rose chirps and hands you a bag.

You give her a smile: "Have good day."

She nods, nervousness in her eyes. Jeez, what did Ren say to her?

It's quiet in the elevator but when it dings it's like the bell at the beginning of a boxing match. The doors open and noises hit you like a hard punch. Careful, you navigate your way to the other end of the office. Finn, Poe, and the others gave you a polite nod in the morning and since then have been working away tirelessly. Like they did before, but with a newfound sense of urgency.

After checking your office mobile, you unpack the food and run to the kitchen to get coffee and forks. Ren sent you a message that simply states five.

When he forcefully pushes the door open four minutes and twenty seconds later, you're glad you interpreted that text correctly.

You stand up and wait for him to briskly walk over. He freezes in his steps, though, when Finn starts talking to him. You cannot hear what he's saying, but Ren simply listens without looking at him. After giving him a crude answer, he raises his gaze from his phone to find yours. It surprises you, and you don't know how to react, so you just let yourself be mesmerized by his cold and dark eyes. They appear like they are made of glass, just the pupils adjusting to the light let you know that they are indeed alive.

You notice that your heartbeat picks up more the close he gets. When the scent of his perfume reaches you, you involuntarily inhale it deeply. Wide-eyed, you wait for him to say something.

"Come." He orders as he unlocks the door to his office. "Bring your food."

You were nervous before, now you are mortified. Lunch with Ren? Alone with Ren?

You clear your throat without saying anything and gather the containers and follow him, head tilted down to simultaneously watch your step and the food in your hands.

Your emotions constantly jump from annoyance to stress and back. You're annoyed with yourself that you let Ren have such power over you while you simply cannot shake the strong reaction your body has to his presence.

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