And It Begins

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T'haren, with Pri'atan in perceptive lock step, was about to enter the Village of La'ath.  River and meadow behind him, lessons and conversation and remembrance engaged across that brief but long journey... he was filled with anticipation.  La'ath would be the place of G'affra'an, The Firstival.  It would be the place of a new birthing. 

A swirl with thoughts of J'h J'h Berries and the Five Schools and Remembrance, he wondered on what would unfold at Firstival.  It was a Festival indeed, festive but wholly reverent in meaning.  He had attended such before but as Q'uon, student, apprentice.  There were memories of games both joyful and filled with Wonder.  There were memories of the most diverse of foods and peoples, united in that Reverence for the purpose of Firstival.

G'affra'an was an Entrance to Traigh'enworld.  It was a time of admittance for the trained in the arts of the Five Schools.  It was a time and space for graduation to Servitude of the best of kind.  It was a portal to Protectorate where the successful Q'uon would learn of their history somehow as yet unknown... and of their future forged in Service to such past.  The Traig'henworld was  an existence of Guardianship; noble and of joyful Service.

Pri'atan smiled knowingly of what was ahead for his Q'uon.  T'haren smiled too, yet not as knowingly, but with Faith.  But Pri'atan had another reason to smile, as they approached the edge of La'ath.  There was M'ormeth, his own Traig'henlord.

M'ormeth was ancient but youthful.  She was longsteady in the ways of Traig'hen and had successfully, and with Honor, guided many to the path of G'affra; the Protectorate.  This was not her first Firstival, indeed and in deed.  As she stood to greet Pri'atan and T'haren at the village edge, she was smiling with maybe an even more knowing countenance than Pri'atan himself.

"Tu'uck Ma'ah" spoke M'ormeth, an ancient greeting of "Honor Love".  Pri'atan and T'haren greeted back in Unity, "Tu'uck Ma'ah".  M'ormeth spoke. "I need not ask are you ready.  I know you are T'haren.  I have followed your studentry closely, and the joyful Service and Excellence of Pri'atan.  The Counsel is well pleased."

Pri'atan nodded with a smile of Gratitude while T'haren almost struggled to humbly accept such sincere praise.  He knew that he had put in much work and Devotion and truly felt ready... but...

M'ormeth could sense such a wholly, holy but... and looked at T'haren eyes to eyes.  "You wonder of your pre-past, the Hidden Mystery" she spoke with such Certitude.  T'haren responded with equal Certitude about his own uncertainty, "Yes, Traig'henlord."

What M'ormeth said next was of an Assured Step.  "And well you should.  That said, know that what will be made present and presented to you soon and shortly will open your world and heart in ways you cannot imagine as yet."

With that, they walked into La'ath to meet the Firstival head and heart on. As they stepped together, down the Center Road toward the Firstival of G'affra'an, T'haren had all senses on fire.  The smells and sights of food and friendliness were a wondrous orchestra and symphony for nose and eyes.  J'h J'h Berry stands and buffets of G'noran, Kuraki, Araka'an and Turakian dishes were pungent and pure.  He would engage and enjoy in all of them over these next few days; no gluttony, but all Reverence and Joy.  As they walked with ardor in countenance and gate... the people around them stood and sat and walked with Friendliness and Generosity of Spirit.  This was a special time indeed.  The Village had seen many such Firstivals and never tired of the Wholiness and Holiness of same.  This was and is and will be, always and all ways.

M'ormeth gazed upon T'haren.  Pri'atan smiled, knowing the words about to be mouthed by his Teacher.  "Be ready in all circumstances..."  And they walked towards the Circle of J'h.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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