Chapter 2: 'My saviour..'

Start from the beginning

''Don't worry, we were in a small bus accident. But no one got severly hurt. So there's nothing to worry about. It was expected with this kind of weather..''
Shotaro said and he got all shy again. I smiled and nodded at his answer.

''Anyways where is Mrs Hwang? Don't we have our first 2 or 3 hours from her?''
I quickly changed the subject and heard the boys sigh.

''She has a severe cold so classed wont start until 9:30. We were going to search for the two of you--''
Eric talked but Sunwoo cut him off.

''Butt, we didn't have to search far. But now you're here anyways, let's continue our plans for christmas, shall we?''
Sunwoo pushed me forward to Giselle and Chaewon and we started walking back to the classroom.

When walking back I came with an idea..
''Maybe Shotaro can join us too. He is also alone during christmas, if that's fine with everyone ofcourse.''
I said turning to Shotaro and walked beside him.

''Yeah ofcourse, that's gonna be fun! The more people the more fun~''?
Chaewon laughed, Eric put his arm around Shotaro's shoulder and we sat down together.

''Soo Shotaro, we're doing Secret Santa. That is that you make a wishlist, with your name above it ofcourse and then we're gonna draw papers and the person who you get on your paper is the person you're gonna buy some presents for from their list. Are you into that?''
Eric shortly explained and Shotaro nodded with a smile, It seemed like he already knew what 'Secret Santa' was about.

''Make sure to bring your wishlist to school tomorrow, then we'll draw the papers and in that way we will have a full week to prepare presents.''
Everyone nodded and I turned back to my table, thinking about what to write on my wishlist. I was deep in thought when Chaewon joined me and thought with me.

''Maybe you could put 'a boyfriend' on your wishlist. You're pretty lonely you know..''
Chaewon said with a playfull smile, Eric and Sunwoo bursted out laughing.

I said while my face was probably getting strawberry red by now.. I covered my cheeks with my hands, hiding my embarrassment. I looked around the group and saw them all laughing at me. What an amazing day..

Friday afternoon, december 17th

It was the next day and everyone had brought their wishlists to school. During the lunchbreak we all sat together and folded our wishlists neatly. Putting all 6 of them in a little container we shook it for a few seconds and opened up the container again.

''Let's tell eachother if we got ourselves, In that case we'd have to shuffle again and grab new ones.''
Giselle suggested and one for one we grabbed our papers.

I looked at everyone, who were looking at their papers and didn't see any suspicious reactions. I looked at my own one in my hands and slowly opened up the folded piece of paper. I read down the wishlist and saw some pretty nice things on there, which I knew where to get. Then I looked at the name and it was..

I thought in myself and smiled to the paper, I was really happy to have my newest friend. This was a great oppertunity to get closer with him and to get to know him better. So that was my plan for this coming week. Getting closer to Shotaro..

I took a quick glance at Shotaro and saw he was also observing the others in the group. It looked like he was also trying to find out who had pulled his wishlist.. But I wasn't gonna let him notice it was me, I'm gonna make this a christmas he wouldn't forget anytime soon.

''I'll put my adress in the groupchat we havem to be sure everyone has the right adress and can find their way towards my house. I'll add you too to the groupchat Shotaro.''
I turned to shotaro with a smile and he nodded.

I added him to the groupchat and typed down the adress in a message. They should be able to find it with something like online maps. I pressed the 'send' button and heard Giselle's phone make a 'pling' sound. I laughed, because she always has her notifactions on.

''Brilliant, now we got this settled I'll see you guys Friday evening the 24th at my house.. Should we take 6PM as a time? We could all bring something nice to eat for dinner and eat together at my house.''

''Yeah that sounds fun! Maybe we can all make something different.. I'll message the things I'll prepare for dinner.''
Chaewon looked around on a website to search what she should make.

''Oh, I could maybe make something Japanese for us. Something we like to eat when I'm visiting my home.''
Shotaro suggested and we all agreed.

''That would be amazing! I'm curious what you'll bring. But I'm sure we'll get to see that next week.''
Sunwoo said and he already went into discussion mode with Eric to decide what they were going to make for the dinner..

I couldn't wait for the day to come..

ミ★ '𝘔𝘺 𝘚𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢..' 𝘙𝘪𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘰 |𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵| ★彡Where stories live. Discover now