I hid it

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I was worried to death that something had happened to Anna because the call suddenly got disconnected. After what seemed like forever, I finally reached the hospital.

I ran to her room and saw her lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I was about to go to her, I saw Brian there and he signaled me to go out with him to talk. I went out with him and he told me that he found her struggling to breathe and as soon as he came in, she fainted.

" What did the doctor say?" I asked

" They told me that she was now fine but they did not tell me what exactly happened to her since I am not family. You should go to him. He will tell you in detail". He replied while keeping his head down. He was feeling guilty and I knew it was not his fault but first I had to go and ask about Anna.

I went to the doctor's cabin and knocked.

"Please come in" a voice came from inside. I went in and saw that doctor was busy in his files. As soon as he saw me, he directed me to sit and shifted towards me.

" I know, you are here for her reports, Mr. Udolph" he said and I nodded.

He continued, "I don't think you know what happened, right. She had a severe panic attack because of which she fainted. She was able to gain consciousness before you arrived so we called a psychologist to see her condition and showed her medical records. We got the reports just a while ago. She is suffering from PTSD(Post traumatic Stress Disorder) and BPD(Borderline Personality Disorder)".

Those words were like a thunderstruck to me. My little sister had to go through this all at this age. My eyes were getting heavy but I nodded and the doctor continued,

" She is having PTSD because of the incident that she witnessed of her parents death. Since, it is early so it can be cured easily if you pay attention. But, what made her faint today was BPD, she had an episode. Avery severe one at that. I am really sorry to say this but she is suffering from BPD for a while now and if you did not notice her change then she knew it and hid the fact from you. If her Bpd episodes continue to trigger like this. Then, I am afraid that it will be bad for her".

She knew that she was having that disorder but she still hid it.


I opened my eyes, I was in my hospital room. I remember faintly that doctors were there to check on me but I went black again. I looked around and saw Diego sitting on the sofa with his head low.

A feeling of guilt took over me again, it was because of me that he had to make rounds of hospital so much. He has to take care of me like a baby. I am the cause of all this.

I am not worthy to live. I thought and he turned his head up looking straight at me surprised.

"Don't you ever say that again, Anna. You are worthy of living that anyone else here".

Shit, I said it out loud.

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