Old self back

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Still Diego POV

When I got up in the morning, I saw that Anna was still asleep. She looked so calm and peaceful away from all the worries. I went out to wash up and grab some coffee.

I went to the cafeteria and while I was waiting for my coffee. I saw the same guy as last night sitting in the corner of cafeteria, doing something on his phone. I went to him and asked if I could sit down and he gave me a nod.

Brian POV

I saw an unfamiliar man approaching me and asking me to sit. I gave him a nod and he sat. He took his hand out for a handshake and told me his name was Diego Udolph. And I told him mine.

But, the thing struck into my mind. I looked at him, surprisingly. I asked," Did you say Udolph?"

" umm... yeah. Any problem with that". He smiled.

" Ooo..no..i mean no problem. Just asking".

" Don't worry, Anna is my sister. Actually, I don't mean to give stalker vibes. But. last night I saw you two". He said leaving me dumbfounded.

He continued," I don't know what you two talked about and I definitely don't want to intrude into your personal space. But, I have a request to make".

I nodded and he continued.

" I want you to be friends with Anna and help her get herself back".

" Get herself back. What do you mean? I mean, she seemed fine and I don't think she is mentally injured". He chuckled at my question and then became serious again and said.

"She is perfectly normal. Actually, the thing is that last week. She and our parents went for a trip to Westerland and due to an earthquake, we..lost...lost them. And Anna, she...saw them with her own eyes. Due to this incident, she thinks it is her fault and has forgot to smile. The smile that you saw is her fake one".

I was now collecting the pieces. When she snapped at me when said about being lucky. This is what she meant by those words. I saw Diego in the front and his eyes were also getting watery. She suffered a lot and she was still so strong. If I was at her place, I might not be able to even act to be calm.

" I will do it. And not because you asked me to. I was going to be friends with her in the first place because she is great and she is so strong". He looked at me surprised but then smiled at me.

He got up and told me that Anna would be waiting, so he needed to go back. He went back. I was looking outside through the glass thinking about what happened just now. I actually, half lied to her brother. I like her ever since I saw her staring at the night sky.

But now, I got a chance. I felt kind of bad for her but I was proud of her that she was so strong. I will find her old smile back.

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