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Beta: Erynlinia & Raina & Nautika & Tena & Oli & Aranel

Rating: T

Warning: Angst. Violence. Jealousy. OOC for in case. Prepare the tissues, I think that you might need them. Character death? Family matters.

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Tolkien. I just created the plot for my stories.

Spoiler: Total AU.

Note: The twins in this story are older, but only in this story. Estel is 12 years old, while Legolas is 9 years old, and only an elfling compared to the other elves.

Note2: Also written for Mellon Challenges 100 – Prompt # 054: Spirit.


Note3: Legolas learns that he had stronger connection with nature and how he is dealing with it at first.

Remember Legolas is an elfling, and an elfling’s reaction could be different, but I guess that you already knew that, right?



Iôn,” Thranduil turned over his son, as he caught his attention he added, “Elrond’s sons, will be here soon, so I ask you only this, and I will say to you only once… do not, and I repeat do not go over Dol Guldur, if you do that I will not be responsible to my act, do you understand, iôn?”

Thranduil knew what he was doing it, as he did not wish to feel the pain in his heart again. It was enough to him and an hard time after his wife was dead, that he did not wished to lost his son too.

There was no answer came from his son, and asked again, “Do you understand, iôn?”

Legolas nodded, tears left his eyes, and said weakly “Fine…”

“What did you say, iôn? I did not hear it.”

“I said: ‘Fine’.” Legolas said in pain. His lips trembling with fear and anger.

Legolas, himself, did not know why his father forbidden him to go over there, he loves to be there, and something in this place making him alive again.


Peredhil’s come, as Legolas recognized them by their giggles, as joy seemed at everywhere they were too.

Legolas hoped that Estel joined them, as he missed his friendship as he had to talk to him about his father.

Thranduil stood behind his son, and leant down, “Remember what I told you before, iôn …”

Legolas nodded sadly. He wished that he could run, but the way that his father looked at him, his legs did not moved.

Legolas loved the place as it was his favorite and he loved the beauty in it.

Broken Spirit (LOTR Fanfiction General - Little Legolas, Family Drama)Where stories live. Discover now