Chapter 2- guilt isn't the only thing stuck in my throat tonight

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As I pack up my stuff to go home, I wonder to myself how on Earth I managed to pass. I got my red belt somehow and was told by the instructor to 'Not sleep through it next time.' What an ass. I mean, I was literally unconscious, and NOBODY helped me. Well, Atlas let me lean on him and Harrison poured water on me - oh.

Speak of the devil.

His emerald-green eyes stare me down whilst his impish grin began to stretch across his lightly-tanned face. "Hey Sleeping Beauty, how was your nap?"

I move past him, deciding to take the high road and LEAVE. Harrison with his stupid floppy blonde hair and I didn't have a good history. Last time we spoke properly, I had a face full of tears, whilst he had a mouth full of bullshit. And his impish grin is still blabbering on.

"I mean, really, did a couple hits tire you out so quickly? Last time I checked, you could beat me up without blinking." Because last time I had enough food in my system, you bitch- "Are you okay?"
God. That last part sounded so genuine too. My throat started to actually hurt because of his sincerity. This motherfu-
Eventually, I decide to speak some words, "I'm fine. I'm just going to my car."

"Want me to walk with you?" He says playfully. Jesus Christ, does he never give up? "I mean, I wouldn't want you to go there alone." Silently, he looks at me pleadingly, his eyes as large as marbles. How can I say no to that face?

Groaning, I gesture for him to follow m only. He grabs my hand, my face turning a cherry shade (I blush so easily) and he drags the two of us along the silent corridors. Our footsteps echo across the white walls, and I notice him stealing glances at me. As I wave to Raine at the counter, he keeps dragging me towards my car. Suddenly, he takes a deep breath.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry, okay? That was shitty of me and I shouldn't have done that and if you never forgive me again I totally get that. But, can you give me a second chance? Please."

All I can do is stare. His emerald eyes shine with unshed tears - he's staring directly at me. I take in the scene and what it must look like to anyone outside the conversation. Me, standing outside of my used car, the wind sweeping my cocoa locks around my face whilst a sharp-nosed, blonde boy on the verge of tears begs for forgiveness. God, it sounds so weird.
What else is weird is how quick I am to think of am answer. Of course I forgive him. It hurt when he broke up with me over text, yeah, it hurt a lot. It also hurt when he acted so nonchalant about it the next day, but I know that isn't him anymore. It's been two years since we parted ways, and I can see the difference in how he used to act.
When we first got together, Harrison would've never even thought of crying in front of me, now he's practically breaking down in a semi-empty parking lot because he wants to date again.

Silently, I nod and smile. "I forgive you Harrison. But you have to promise me something."
He obliges almost instantly.
"Don't do what you did last time." I say as I give him a slight peck on the cheek, getting in my car.

His grin nearly splits his face in two. He sprints after my car whilst I drive off, making a heart gesture with his two hands and yelling goodbye at me, gathering a large audience.

God what an idiot.
An endearing idiot nonetheless.
The drive back home is quiet, comparing it to earlier. I soak in the silence as I head upstairs, hearing no typing ; both of my parents are at work then.
With that information, I grab a tub of biscuits, munching on them, while simultaneously changing into my pyjamas in the dark. My black tank top and jogging bottoms blend in with the surrounding darkness

I'm opening my school bag to finish some homework when I hear a ping on my phone. The phone light blares in my face, yet I don't care. I can see its from Harrison on SnapChat

Harrison is bi
'Hey Sleeping Beauty, get some sleep okay'
I roll my eyes. What a basic ass text. Jeez he really has changed.

'I'll try lmao. And you have to sleep too'

Harrison is bi
'I will, because unlike you I actually have a healthy sleep schedule 😌'


Harrison is bi
'Wow okay'

'You're the one who wanted to date again this is your punishment'

Harrison is bi

'Okay night'

Harrison is bi

I see he has logged off, and go to check my other notification. An add? I read the name, seeing its Atlas, I add him back.

'What are you doing up so late'

'Ur mom'

'I will literally block you right now- don't test me'

'Jeez. Rude.'
'Anyways, I heard you and Harrison got back together'
'I also heard he chased after your car whilst screaming so idk how trustworthy that source is'

'Who's your source'

'Ur mom'
'Jk my sister told me'

Oh my God. Raine saw that? Jesus Christ. Now I've confirmed to her that I'm a weirdo.

'Ur mom jokes aren't funny'

'You're not funny'

And for the rest of the night we kept texting. And for the rest of the night, I felt guilty for cutting off my conversation with Harrison so short.

Word count: 963 words

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