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Minatozaki Sana and Chou Tzuyu are two names almost the whole world was familiar with, for all the bad reasons. They were the true Bonnie and Clyde of Seoul city. The two girls were known to have love more than what the people can imagine, and hatred more than what the world can take. From what people know both of them are known to only rob banks at the exact time of 12:25 and leave a mask behind. 

From what people know both the girls have been friends with each other since they were kids and later both became lovers. Their hatred of banks comes from when the Celestial bank group took away both their fathers' businesses and defamed them so much that it forced them to take their own lives right in front of them. Their mothers not long after died from hunger and cold. Left alone at the age of 10 and 12 both girls were left alone in the cruel world. They both became each other's support.

"Tzuyu-ya why are you crying." Six-year-old Sana asked four-year-old Tzuyu who wordlessly pointed at her scraped knee which was bleeding a bit. Seeing this Sana immediately pulled out her handkerchief and tied it around Tzuyu's knee and placed her hand on top of it she closed her eyes and muttered. "Pain pain go away from Tzu." And pretended as if she shooed away the pain. "See Sana-unnie shooed the pain now don't cry ok." Tzuyu nodded and place a kiss on Sana's cheeks and pushed her pinky-finger forward "Unnie promise me we will be together". Intertwining her pinky finger with Tzuyu latter affirmed "We will always be together". Both of them looked their intertwined hands both of them smiled softly and whispered "Forever"

A year later both grew up a bit still unknown from the darkness of the world "Sana-unnie please take your medicine" Tzuyu was chasing after Sana who was suffering from fever and was running away because she didn't want to take the medicine, no one could make her eat it not even her mother, so they tried their one last hope. Tzuyu. "But Tzuyu-ya medicine is yucky" Sana pouted, and everyone around would have their heart gushed at her cuteness if not for the snort almost running out of her nose. "Unnie please, for me." Sana contemplated once but shook her head "No I will not take it. It's yucky" Seeing this Tzuyu sighed and turned her back "If you won't take it, I will never talk to you" it was a tactic Tzuyu was not sure would work but it did when she felt a small pair of arms wrap around her waist "I took the medicine see. Now don't leave." Tzuyu immediately turned around and hugged back the little girl "I won't leave you. We promised right and I will keep that promise forever" Tzuyu spoke.



Who knew that later that both of their lives will have a downfall. Tzuyu and Sana both just come home from playing when they heard Mr. Chou speak "Please just one more month and we will pay all the remaining loans" both of them were too young to understand what it meant but they did understand it wasn't good. "That's what you've been saying for a year now. I am just here to tell you both that if by tomorrow you and Mr. Minatozaki don't pay back the bank I am afraid we will have to seize all the property provided to you by the bank. They heard footsteps approaching them so they hid behind the door frame. "We lost Chou, we lost." Just as they were about to enter the room both of them heard the voice of Mr. Minatozaki crying out in defeat. "No, we didn't. I know we are at a low point but we didn't lose." Mr. Chou comforted his best friend. "Chou accept it, the bank took it all away first our hall, now our house, and I am sure they will be soon coming for our families." Sana wanted to go inside and ask her dad what he was talking about but Tzuyu stopped her and dragged her out knowing that listening to elders talk about such stuff was bad enough to get them grounded for a month so confronting them about it would be far worse.

The same year on Christmas both of the girls were excited to open their presents. "Ya, Tzuyu-ya how do I look?" Sana twirled around. Scanning Sana from head to toe Tzuyu replied "You look like uhm.....ah, You look like Christmas merry and happy." Both the girls were having fun in the living room until they heard a loud band coming from upstairs. Running both of them opened the door that was a potential source of noise and the moment they opened the door the scene in front of them horrified them. Both Mr. Minatozaki and Mr. Chou were lying lifeless on floating in their own blood. Both the girls screamed at the scene in front of them. Later that day it was found out that Mr. Minatozaki and Mr. Chou weren't able to pay for the loan they took from the bank which lead to the seizing of the masquerade hall they both ran and were unable to take such a big shock both of them took their own life. To others, it was an incident that was quite heartbreaking but to the two little girls, it was the start of their hatred for banks.

Two years later both their mothers passed away due to hunger and cold. Left alone in the damned world both the girls found their home in each other. Unknown to them the friendship they had for years was now turning into something more beautiful. Tzuyu was 18 when she first realized she had feelings for a certain 20-year-old squirrel faced with who she had been friends for more than a decade. Sana was 21 when Tzuyu confessed that the girl have caught feelings for her, not sure of her own feelings Sana allowed Tzuyu to court her. Christmas, was when Sana understood her own feelings, the day they became official, the day they shared their first kiss. It was ironic the same day they lost everything the same day today they found everything.

3 years later when they started to plan out the revenge. The first robbery was done on June 14th, the second one on December 29th. The robberies were so big that the bank was slowly starting to go into debt. The very next day of the second robbery people finally found out who the robbers were as they outed themselves in a video they posted. In the very same video, they set fire to the money robbed and announced the next robbery will be on Christmas next year on 25 December 2021.

Today was Christmas, the city was on high alert all the streets even the alleyways were heavily guarded. The bank was especially taken care of by special forces. Helicopters with huge flashlights were taking rounds around the city, every minute the sound of police sirens coming and going could be heard. It was midnight everyone thought that the robbery won't happen, and it was all a fake threat just then police patrol cars chased behind a car everyone immediately came out to see what was going on that's when they saw a black car where one woman was driving the car and another was throwing the cash in the air, both laughing out loud blasting songs on the speaker of the car. That's when it was noticed the one driving was Tzuyu and the one throwing the cash was Sana, both looked crazy in love, laughing and singing as if almost mocking the world everyone around them.

"CHOU TZUYU I LOVE YOU" Sana screamed at the top of her lungs before taking a good look after police cars following them and throwing a handful of cash in the air.

Taking Sana's hand in her free hand and briefly kissing it Tzuyu shouted too. "MINATOZAKI SANA I LOVE YOU TOO." Both the girls laughed like crazy before Sana kissed Tzuyu while the car was still in motion. The car wavered a bit before Tzuyu controlled the staring wheel using one hand and pulled Sana closer using the other one. Both lost in their own world didn't notice the sign they just crossed.

Sana was so busy admiring her lover she almost forgot that they had left behind patrolling cars chasing them. It was when Tzuyu suddenly stopped the car that Sana noticed where they were. "What happened?" Tzuyu just pointed the road ahead of them with her eyes before replying. "It's a dead end. Get out of the car and run" Sana opened the door and set a foot out before looking back at Tzuyu "What about you? Let's go" Tzuyu just shook her head and smiled. "Listen Sana if we both go out together, we'll get caught, police are everywhere. You can go, while I distract them. If you go now you can catch the train to another town and start a new life, I'll take all the blame for everything your image will be clean. Go, Sana, live the life you deserve." Sana looked at Tzuyu as if she was crazy, she immediately shut the door "Are you fucking dumb? Do you even hear what are you saying? I cannot even breathe without you, let alone imagine life without you. We will always be together we promised right?" Before Tzuyu could reply they heard sirens coming closer. Sana pushed out her pinky finger "Forever?" Tzuyu entangled her own little finger with her "Forever"

Tzuyu up and saw that there was a helicopter above them, she knew the police would be here in no time. She reversed the car a bit before looking at Sana "I know we aren't in alter but Minatozaki Sana do you accept Chou Tzuyu as your unlawfully wedded wife." Giving a gentle squeeze to Tzuyu's hand Sana replied. "I do" and asked Tzuyu the same question "Chou Tzuyu do you accept Minatozaki Sana as your unlawfully wedded wife." Smiling Tzuyu replied "I do" they shared a loving kiss before they heard sirens and looked at each other smiling and saying the only word that came to their mind "Forever" and with that Tzuyu stepped on the accelerator and the car drove a bit before it jumped down the cliff.

The next day the Celestial bank was shut down due to the sudden financial loss. Sana and Tzuyu's revenge was completed but it never triumphed what succeeded was their dream. It was later found that both the girls have saved money to open an NGO for those who are in need. The masquerade hall that was once shut open again, Now known as Noël hall. The story of girls was later revealed to the world through a diary Sana wrote. The book became a bestseller but the lines that stood out the most

"Love cannot be written on paper for it can be erased. Nor is it etched on a stone for a stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on the heart and there it shall remain forever"

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