"Doesn't have to be interesting. I just wanna get to know you better."

"Very well." Acxa thought for a long moment, the quiet between their words a comfortable place to reside, "I grew up in a trade port towards the edge of my solar system. The empire did a lot of business there and often held enlistment opportunities where they would tell us about the career opportunities and all the benefits we would get from joining their ranks. 

"I never knew my parents but I presumed the galra counterpart was a member of the Empire - maybe some soldier that stopped their for a brief romance. I guess that encouraged me to join up once I was old enough - along with all the brainwashing." Acxa crossed her arms stiffly, eyes steeled with poorly concealed anger. 

"From there, I tried to climb the ranks on my own for a while. I assume you know how the Empire is with half-breeds." Her lips curled over the words in clear disgust, strong enough that Lance had to supress a flinch at the sight, "They wouldn't let me get anywhere worth anything. 

"Lotor was the only one who saw me as a someone worth their time. He offered me a position working under him and eventually the others joined us. For a time, it was just us against the universe." Acxa paused, her tone growing sad, "I thought we were close. Close enough that we could share anything with each other, that we would always have each others' backs - no matter what."

Lance wasn't exactly sure what to say in response to that. Should he apologise for bringing it up? Or would she appreciate him attempting to comfort her? 

He opened his mouth to make some half-thought-out attempt, freezing when she held up a hand in dismissal. 

Acxa shrugged, "I don't mind talking about. I've explained it in more detail to Veronica before. It's in the past now anyway. I might as well try to better myself as a result of it rather than hide away from my history."

Lance nodded slowly, relaxing back into a curled sit in his chair, "I guess that's a good way to think of it." After another pause, he added, "I trust you too. And so does the rest of the team."

Acxa smiled that time, relaxing her crossed arms as she turned her attention back to Adam, letting a soft silence wash over them once more. 

Lance took a moment to just breathe, listening to the medical monitors, the distant hum of the ship's engines, the sounds of the lights overhead, the tapping of Acxa's hands. He could feel a yawn threading its way through his chest, when it left his lips it was barely more than a sigh. His eyelids were heavy, constantly hanging half-lidded as he glazed over the sight in front of him. 

Despite everything, despite being in another reality - further from any semblance of home than he had ever been - Lance felt oddly at peace. Perhaps it was the company, perhaps it was the exhaustion,  or maybe it was the Castle itself. In the end, he wasn't really sure it mattered, he was content to just let his mind drift aimlessly for awhile as he soaked in the baseless comfort. 

He had forgotten what home felt like. 

Adam's eyelids flickered, the change so minute Lance didn't react to it at first. When he tilted his head, the alchemist murmured to Acxa, pointing it out as he sat a little closer to the edge of his seat. Acxa removed herself from her own, moving to kneel at Adam's bedside as she peered closer attentively.

When his eyes opened, they were distant and unfocused, taking in his surroundings at a lazy, unfamiliar pace. Acxa hung to the edge of his peripherals, waiting for his focus to return before planning to make herself known. 

"Adam?" Lance scooched himself closer, setting himself up in a similar position to the green paladin on the other side of the bed, "Adam, can you hear me?" 

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