Y/N Backstory

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Hi my name is Y/N and welcome to the shit show I call my life. I was born 06/01/1920, yeah I know I'm quite old but hey I'm hot.
My mother's name is y/m/n and my dad is y/d/n. Their love story is a dream, trust me. My mother was a very powerful woman (ofc) but she hid her ability's just to have a normal life. As my father hid watches in his coat for money. He didn't see the world like my mom, he seen it with hatred. Hence why he stole, my grandma, grandpa, and aunt were poor and they needed money so he took one for the team, until he seen her. My mom was gorgeous, she was the dream. She can cook, clean, you know normal stuff back then, but she was much more than the average house wife. See she had incredible powers that any man would run away if  were shown. She could control elements, earth, water, air, and fire, but not only that, she could predict the future years and years advance. So, unlike pops, she viewed the world with endless possibilities. SHE was the moment. Now you're probably wondering, 'how in the hell did they meet,' well it's pretty basic EXCEPT it was destiny. Like I know the debate of if destiny is real but their story, it most definitely is.
To sum it up my father was on his nature duty to find the richest man and take his shit, but instead he found my mother. As what he described it as, 'She wasn't like the others, she was mean,' yeah probably not what you expected but here's why. While dad's looking for his next adventure, my mother was telling off a guy for walking on her flowers. "What kind of man just walks up to someone's yard stomping on THEIR FLOWERS." It was a dream come true for my dad. Someone who didn't take shit specially from a man, just what he needed, some humbling. Well, while Mom's telling off a guy, my dads just staring at her like a deer in headlights. Anddd that's how they met. "Whatcha looking at?" "Uh my apologies ma'am, I uh well hah wow. You're a strong one aren't cha?" "Hm." Is all that my mother said before walking away like a baddie, and of course he followed.
After that it's history, they fell in love and hard yours truly, me.  Now, my moms ability's we're passed down to me and my dad's curiosity as well. I was taught how to use my powers as well as being nosy in the process. I found out why my badass mom hid her badass ability's and that's because back then she'd be called crazy or a witch, they'd test on her like some kind of rabbit project. And sadly they found out.

I was about 17 when they came for her as well as me. They wanted a weapon, and by they I mean NATO. Some mean ol man with nothing better to do with his time other than shoving his nose where they shouldn't belong. Now don't get me wrong, we've been through the fighting and killing and what not (yeah I know rough for a kid but that was the norm for me) my father always said there's beauty in the chaos but this time, there wasn't. They had killed my mom and dad in front of me and I couldn't do anything but fight. Without them, I couldn't win against 15 or more men with knives and guns, so I gave up and of course they took me, (kidnapping, ever heard of it?) I was only 17 and here I am being tested on like that rabbit. I don't even know how old I am or even where I am other than this shit wasn't the move AT ALL. Poked, knocked out, or sometimes near death and they don't care, they wanted me dead. Now why would they want the most powerful woman to be dead, well to sum it up, I was a woman. "Nobody's scared of a woman." The old man said. In my mind I feel like that's the best weapon, no one suspects a woman to be a badass killer but you know I'm sure his dementia was kicking in. The torturing just gets worse, forced into unknown substance (later found out it was acid :): ) crushed to see if I would live (of course I did, I wasn't thrown into acid, stupids) I mean all kinds of stuff, the list goes on and on until her.

Hi it's Bree now, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. It's only gonna get more crazy as we go, go get buckled! :)

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