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"Sammy Lawrence? Heh.. Yeah, I hired him to be my music director. Good ol' Sammy truly was unique. In a way...He reminds me of m'self! We all have a dream. And Sammy? He chased his! Just like I chased mine.

"Bendy inspired all of us! Some to do good... Some to do bad. Lawrence worshiped Bendy more than I thought anyone could ever do! Honestly... Sometimes it scares even me!

"But really Bendy impacted him. Did he make his life better? Well.. Probly not. But I think there's somethin' in that false sense of security... Something comforting... Loving, even! And even that matters! I know you might not get what I'm sayin' here but-

"If there's some type of embrace, some type of belief... You chase it! I learned that. It might not have been best to the extent I put in it but-... Sammy, you chase your dream.

"Gorge yourself on that false line of hope while you can. Because if it's lost? It's gone forever. And there's no gettin' it back.

"Remember who we are Sammy.

We're monsters...

But that's not all we're gonna be.

Remember this.

Like a tip, from your friend!

Good ol' Joey Drew."

My lord... My love.

You're all I have...

I'll never let you go...

I can't.

If I'm going to live this hellish life for eternity...

I need you.

And you need me.

So I'll keep you here with me...



Merry Christmas!!!

I know I kinda sorta maybe ended this already but- I wanted to give you guys a Christmas present! So...


I know it's super SUPER short-! Don't throw rocks at me!   >_<

~Pigments of my heart~ Bendy x Sammyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن