Chapter 1: To Lightborn Capital

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Under the full moon on the dark sky two figures was walking on the Moniyan plains at Gorge.

"Mission accomplished! The princess will be surely happy once he hear this, don't you think Fanny?" A short boy with an ear of an animal in Land Of Dawn he was called as a Leonin.

"How cute!" Fanny a blonde haired girl says as she grabbed and captured the monkey in front of her.

"Huh! Where did you get that?" The leonin asks her while looking at the monkey she was hugging in bossom.

"Oh, i see him walking there. And his so cute, so i can't help but to take him. Anyway, his name is Boogie." Fanny giggled talking how cute the monkey is.

Harith sweatdropped and said "You already got a name for it!"


"Fuu, i thought i'm gonna die there. We're lucky enough to escape, right Dexter?" Claude looked at his shoulder after Dexter didn't answer.

He was speechless for a bit until he shouted "Dexterr!". Right, Dexter is gone his not in his shoulder or following he was nowhere to be found.

"W-where did he go? Was he captured." Claude mumbles as he started panicking.

Claude hold his chin and close his eyes, Now that i remember it, Dexter jumped in the opposite when Clint use his quickdraw.

Oh no, what should i do? Should i return? Claude stopped his pointless thinking as he feel his shoulder starting to be painful, right the same shoulder the Clint hit. No, i should heal my wounds first, i can't save Dexter if i'm injured. Claude removed the bullet then put a bandages in his shoulder to stop it's from bleeding, of course he because from the pain while doing it.


He made a loud sigh as he stared at the Baroque from the forest. From his position, he can see the minions or guards of Baroque castle searching for him, and obviously there was also the prince of Baroque, Lancelot and his arch nemesis Clint.

Now what should i do? Claude continue to scanned his enemies with his eyes.

"Ah, who would've thought we will meet Fanny and Harith from Lightborn squad." Two random guys has walked passed and stopoed behind Claude chatting.

"Yeah, look i got Fanny's signature in my shirt." The other dude showing off his shirt.

While the other took some papers and show it to the other one "And Harith give me some paintings of the whole Lightborn squad, even princess Silvanna is here."

"Woah! Really, amazing! To think that Harith is good at drawing." The guy commented while looking at the posters.

The guy holding the posters look at the sky and says "Though who would've thought Fanny has a pet monkey." Hearing this make Claude interested in their conversation

"Doesn't that make her look similar to the thief king?" The other guy answers.

"Nah, who cares about that scumbag. The only thing i care is that the gorgeous Fanny is so cute with the monkey." The guy said while blushing, on the other hand Claude who hears what the guy said about him feel annoyed and this thing 💢 appear in his head.

Claude stand from where he is kneeling and walk closer towards the two dudes. "Tell me! What does the monkey look like?" Claude grabbed the guy who call him scumbag in his shoulders and asks.

"Ah..ah, what?" The guy looks confused while the other guy tried to tell Claude to let go of his friend.

Claude hold the guy's shoulder tighter "I said, what does the monkey look like?" he yells as he want to know if the monkey is Dexter or not.

The guy who seems to be scared finally opened his mouth "It looks like bla bla bla.blablabla..." He tells what the monkey looks like.

Smile, a wide smile can be seen in Claude's face "It really is Dexter." he says.

"Thanks for telling me, here take this." Claude almost killed the guy by shaking him, after shaking him he gave them a tiny box then ran away.

"What's with that weird guy?" The other dude asks.

The first guy look at the box Claude gave him then said "Who knows."

The second guy look at his friend's hand the asks "Anyway, what's in the box?"

The first guy opened it, the moment they look at it both of their eyes glow in gold color. "A diamond ring, we can sell this in exchange for big money. WE'RE RICH!" Both of them yells, with this loud yelling Clint and Lancelot with their minion has go to where the voice came from.

"Hey, you two over there, drop you weapon and hands up." Clint shouted for the two to hear also taking out his gun.

The two was surprised "Eh..ehh~, we don't have a weapon though." Both of them said.

Lancelot look at the two who stares at them running, he took the rose that he bite and says "They seem so flawed in front of my perfect soul."

"Huh! What are you talking about?" Clint look at Lancelot confused.

They finally reach the two dudes who didn't even bother to ran because of their fear. Clint put handcuffs in their hand while they protest "What's going on, we're not criminals.".

Clint answers them by saying "No, you're allies with the thief king Claude."

"Huh, no we're not!" They argue in return.

"Listen to your sheriff boy." Clint lowered his head and look at them he pointed in his head and says.

Lancelot opened the box "Then why do you have this ring he stole, if you are not his comrades?" he look at them in a serious expression.

"Ah, so that guy is Claude." The first guy said referring to the guy who grabbed him earlier.

Clint looked at him again but this time in a more serious face "I'll listen to your explanation later, just tell me, how did that thing end up on your hands?"

"Well...Claude give it to us when we tell him about the monkey of Fanny." The second guy explains.

"I see, whatever i don't about the other box he took anyway." Lancelot said as tried to walked out.

"But my lord, i thought that was a rare item?" One of his minions asks.

"No need to worry, i can use my connections and money to gained a new one. As long as it's not this ring, i don't care." Lancelot answered. "After all this ring, is for my beloved Odette." He added.

After giving Clint some reward for helping to catch Claude, Lancelot with his minions walked out leaving Clint and the two dudes.

"So, what now?" The two looked at Clint hoping to be free.

Clint glared at them "I'll release you after you answer my last question."

"Please asks anything." The two yelled in unison.

"Where did Claude go?" Clint asks holding the chin of the both of them.

"He go in that way." The first dude said.

The other guy look at Clint and says "He's probably headed to Lightborn Capital."

"Oh i see, thanks then." Clint says as he walked out.

"Hey wait, free us before you leave." They tried their best but Clint couldn't hear them.

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