Part 9 - Nine Ladies Dancing

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The Grinch walked back from his escapade earlier, feeling intensely satisfied with himself. He had spray-painted a giant phallic object onto the City Hall walls, with a short, yet heartfelt message under it: fuk u santa, xoxo grinch <3. He was waiting for the Whos to see his message the next morning, giggling to himself about the look he'd imagined on their faces. He gained great joy in this, which in a way was kind of twisted, but he didn't care.

He walked through the front door and took off his hat, setting it down on his mantle. He sat down on his armchair (no couch because he's a lonely bitch) and took out his phone, logging onto Instagram to check if Santa had posted anything. He knew it was unhealthy to stalk him online, alas he couldn't help himself.

After a few minutes, he heard some noise coming from the top floor of his house. He got up to inspect it, stretching his arms and feeling a satisfying pop. Walking over to the fireplace, the noise got louder and louder. Growing suspicious, his eyebrows furrowed while he looked up trying to find the source of the noise.

Suddenly, a loud thump resounded within his home, startling the Grinch. Small noises kept coming in the next few seconds, and suddenly, a figure fell from the chimney, ashy and coughing.

It was Santa.

Here he was again, in all his glory. He'd barely changed since the last time the Grinch saw him, aging wasn't a part of his vocabulary anymore. His beard was still as thick as ever, and he was still as stunningly handsome as he'd been the last time he saw him. The Grinch thought he looked beautiful even in his state of confusedness, even with ash covering his features and his suit.

Santa stood up, looking up at the Grinch, a small scowl overtaking his face.

"You! From last year! You're the one who pulled that stunt!" He let out hurriedly, flabbergasted. The Grinch smirked.

"Yes, yes I am. You have a problem with it, Saint Nick?" The Grinch once again feigned confidence, his knees were buckling and he was having a hard time dealing with the shock that the man who he'd last seen 365 days ago was standing right in his own abode.

Santa groaned in pain, partly from falling down the chimney and partly from having to deal with the Grinch once again. Standing up clutching his side, he stepped out of the fireplace and looked around.

"Nice place you have..." Santa breathed out, still a bit dyspneic from the long fall. The Grinch was still somewhat shocked from this interaction, furrowing his eyebrows once more.

"Thanks...? May I inquire, why are you here?" He queried.

"Uh... it says on my records you made it to the nice list...?" Santa informed him perplexedly.

"Wait, WHAT?" The Grinch was extremely stupefied to this knowledge. He had never once been on the nice list, what had changed? He'd been the same, just like any other year!

"H- How? How could that be?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure what changed either," he responded, glaring slightly. He put the Grinch's gift next to the fireplace as there was no tree, glowering a bit, and stood back up. The Grinch was some degree of speechless, letting out small noises.

"I also see that you enjoy dressing up like me, is it?" Santa questioned somewhat bemusedly. The Grinch's eyes darted up in shock and then back down at his own clothes, forgetting for a moment that he was still wearing his Santa outfit. Now he was intensely dumbstruck, while Santa chuckled, amused.

"Well, have a Merry Christmas!" He satirized, while walking back to the fireplace and disappearing with a poof, the Grinch still staring into space once again. Just as their first meeting, Santa had left him confused and stupefied.


Santa POV

Santa had just exited the Grinch's house, still chortling at the interaction they'd had. He boarded his reindeer, ready to deliver the rest of his presents. As they slowly took off, they passed the Town's Square, right in the center. There, on the City Hall building, was a giant... phallic object. Below it, a short, yet concise message. He read slowly, not believing what he was viewing, yet still processing it somehow. He made out the words, "fuk u santa, xoxo grinch".

And he chuckled.

This was very unlike Santa, he was a stickler for the rules. He kept his processes streamlined, his workforce well worked. Yet, the Grinch had a knack for helping him forget about this mindset, and for that, he was grateful. Santa somehow knew he would see him next Christmas, and he was so going to get him back.


Grinch POV

After Santa had left and the initial shock had worn off, the Grinch kneeled to take a look at his first ever present. He'd never received one, not in his entire existence, and he wasn't exactly young. It was wrapped in shiny, red paper, with little white reindeer printed on it. A white ribbon encased it, wrapped in a neat bow at the very top. The gift itself was a somewhat hefty weight, very large, the Grinch wondered what lay inside.

As slowly as possible, he unwrapped the present, taking great care not to rip any of the paper or ruin the perfect box. Uncasing the box, he turned it around. A small sewing machine laid inside, new and white, ready to be used. He wept light tears, wiped them away, and opened the box.

Maybe, just maybe, his heart wasn't two times too small anymore. 

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