Part 2 - Two Turtle-doves

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Grinch POV

Laughing maniacally at his own plan, the Grinch paced around his home, muttering to himself and playing with his fingers. He had since made it back from his uneventful outing (and had since given Max his doggy treats), and sought intense revenge. Max barked perplexedly, chewing on his treats, unbeknownst of the plot hatching in front of his eyes. The Grinch took a seat at his desk and got to work, sketching out details and a plan to ruin the holiday that all the Whos held dear to their heart. Ironically, this was one of the few things he found great joy in, a complete betrayal to his otherwise stoic character. Max nipped at his ankles, but he shooed him away, muttering to himself all the while and frantically brainstorming.

Fifty pieces of loose-leaf paper later, he had forged a rough plan. In order to ruin the holiday, he was going to do away with everything that made the Whos joyous, down to the last morsel of food they owned. He was going to disguise himself as Santa and take away all their presents, steal all their belongings, and ridicule them as they dejectedly had to forget about any chance at a happy Christmas that year. Even the visual of this idea made him shudder with glee, finally able to find happiness in something. He pulled out some crimson fabric and got to work, painstakingly sewing out a suit and hat, laughing all the while. He'd meticulously decided to dump all their belongings at a nearby mountain, confident in his abilities to pull off this plan without a hitch. Adrenaline pumping through his veins, he ironed out the last minuscule features of his otherwise impeccable plot and started executing said plan.

After he finished crafting himself a velvet suit (and a matching one for Max), he also made himself a colossal bag, big enough to fit every single item the Whos owned (idfk the logic of this work it out yourselves this is open to public interpretation), and almost as big as his absolutely ginormous and thick ass. Getting to work on the sleigh was the hard part, but lucky for him, Max had a job sixty three years ago as a woodworker and carpenter at Home Depot ™. Max took the bulk of the work, while the Grinch ended up working on the upholstery, made out of the same red velvet (zimzalabim zim zimzalabim) that he'd used for the entirety of his endeavors. After he finished his job, he stared intently at Max working away while he cackled for no pinpointable reason. He was kind of quirky like that, not like other girls one might say. Although he wasn't like them figuratively, he actually was physically, having a heart two times too small.

Once Max had finished, they took a step back to admire their handiwork. Max had done a great job at the construction of the sleigh, so the Grinch gave him a treat. Lastly, they loaded up the sleigh with the giant bag.

"Bark woof arf arf arf, grrrr woof woof (What's going to power the sleigh)?" Max asked confoundedly.

"Oh, you'll see soon..." He grinned at nobody in particular and chortled at this statement.

This was going to be the best Christmas ever. 

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