"Memories?" he asked, his eyebrow raising slightly.


Rex was hesitant, but his curiosity overwhelmed his caution. "How does that work?"

Senna snuggled closer. "Would you like me to show you?"

Rex considered it for a second but nodded. All in or nothing. I trust her. Senna studied him for a few more moments before wiggling even closer to him, her hands coming up to cradle his face as she pressed her forehead to his. He heard her breathing begin to deepen.

Close your eyes.

He did as she asked.

Suddenly, he was back on Lothal, dancing at the festival they'd encountered in the capital city with...himself. Looking down, he realized his body had been replaced with Senna's, her hair whipping past his view as the Rex in her memories spun them about. He felt warmth and love and happiness as Senna's giggle erupted from within him. The memory changed, and he was on Alderaan, pinned under Hunter while they sparred. Senna's head turned, and he saw himself conversing quietly with Echo, a subtle exchange of credits, and then a surge of determination as Senna bucked her hips upward to throw Hunter off of her, sending him tumbling as her laughter filled the room. Then, it was dark. Echo was there, a sadness in his eyes Rex had only seen a handful of times. Ryloth. This is the night she left.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Echo asked quietly.

Rex felt Senna sniffle, her hands trembling at her sides. "Of course I don't want to. But I have to, Echo. I love him. I have to keep him safe, and this is the only way I know how right now," Senna's voice said, struggling not to waver. He felt her conflict, her desire to run back upstairs and snuggle against his sleeping form. Her insides ached, the lump in her throat growing with every passing second.

"Alright," Echo whispered. "Do you know where you're going?"

"No, and maybe that's for the best."


Please don't blame him, Senna's voice asked quietly in Rex's mind.

I don't.

The memory changed again and now Rex was sitting on a transport, staring out a window. The ship was packed with life forms of all types and droids. He had his forehead rested against the transparisteel window, staring out at the bright blur of hyperspace. Senna's reflection gazed back at him from beneath her hood, her cheeks tear stained as he felt her quietly sob. Then he was under the night sky in some forest next to a small fire, lying on his back. Senna's left hand reached up towards the stars in front of him, metal and glinting in the firelight, the etching not yet present on the ring finger. Her pointer selected a single star, reaching out towards it as the fire crackled.

"The Tarsunt system. I heard you were there as of a few days ago, so I'm going to assume you're still there," Senna's voice said, sounding startlingly loud in the silence around her. "I think that's the right star. My datapad says it is, but the damn thing's been on the fritz since I left Dantooine. Really need to get a new soldering tool since I broke the one I had a few weeks ago." She humphed. "I'm sure you'd tell me to be more careful. You'd be right, but I'll never admit it." She sighed deeply, and Rex felt his chest rise and fall with her breath. "I miss you so much. I hope you're safe." Her hand dropped down to rest on her stomach, and she was silent a few moments before she raised the limb once more, taking it in her right hand and rubbing her thumb over the left ring finger of the cybernetic where she'd eventually etch the Jaig eyes. "Goodnight, Rex. I love you."

Rex felt his chest tighten as the memory shifted again, but this time, he was in a jungle sitting high up in a tree. Takodana he immediately realized, and his suspicion was confirmed as he watched himself go running past underneath, four stormtroopers in pursuit. He saw himself shed his cloak and head towards what would wind up being the cliff face. Senna dropped to the ground quickly, swearing softly under her breath as she raced through the underbrush after him, crouching in a set of bushes as she watched him slide over the edge of the cliff.

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