Chapter 2

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"I don't know what happened, my hands just kinda... sorta... started to.. glow..." Tyler said as he looked at his hands. 

The night before, as soon as the glow had came, it had vanished.  He went to bed and the next morning texted Jinx to come over. 

"Ok," Jinx paced around the room.  "Maybe the writing and stuff in the cave was true," She said after a minute. 

"Ughhhh," Tyler collapsed onto his bed.  "I don't want to be known as the freak who's hands glow!" he said. 

"No, this is so cool!" Jinx said.  She walked over to Tyler and looked into his eyes.  "Maybe you can become a superhero!" she said.  "I have to tell Indigo about this!"

Jinx grabbed her phone and texted Indigo before setting it back down. 

Indigo was Jinx's other bestfriend.  Her and Tyler were kind of friends, but they weren't very close. 

"I'm texting Gage," Tyler said, also grabbing his phone to text him. 

A couple minutes later, both of the friends, Indigo and Gage, were at Tyler's door. 

"What!" Indigo yelled as soon as Jinx and Tyler had explained what happened. 

"That's so cool!" Gage said. 

"No, it's not so cool, I don't ant these super powers, I didn't even ask for them!" Tyler buried his head in the sheets of his bed, feeling like his life was ruined. 

"Ummmm.. Tyler?" Jinx asked. 

"What no-" Tyler lifted his head up to see what Jinx wanted, to find that his hands were glowing again.  The same bright orange color from the night before. 

"Woah!" Gage said. 

"So cool," Indigo said, looking at his hands.   

"Aahh!" Tyler shrieked as he stumbled around his room, trying to turn his hands back to normal.  Suddenly a blast of fire shot out of them and burnt a hole in the ceiling.  "AAAHHH!" Tyler screamed more, and more fire blasts came out of his hands. 

"Tyler calm down!" Jinx yelled, trying not to be hit.  "Your emotions are what control your powers!  Just calm down and it will stop!" 

At this point Tyler's hands were glowing a bright red and fire blasts kept shooting out of them.  Tyler followed Jinx's advice and took a few deep breaths before the fire blasts died down, and his hands turned back to the bright orange, then normal. 

"Bro, that's amazing!" Gage said as he slapped Tyler on the back. 

"Woah, I didn't know I could do that!" Tyler said.  Tyler turned toward Jinx and said "Thanks, I wouldn't have been able to calm down if it wasn't for you." 

"No problem," Jinx said.  She smiled at him, then turned back to the others. "Ok so, here's what I've figured out.  After I went home last night, I did some research on this.  I found out that there were past superheroes, all with different abilities than you," She looked at Tyler.  "I learned that the heroes said that there powers were controlled by their emotions.  As hard as it is, they have to stay calm to be able to control their abilities.  Tyler, I think you've already got step one down.  Let's go to the woods, and try your abilities out some more," She said, starting to leave the room. 

"Are you crazy?" Tyler said.  "Didn't you see what I just did?" He looked up at the burnt hole in the ceiling.  "If we go into the forest, I'm gonna burn it down!" he said. 

He looked at his hands.  As much as he found his power's cool, he knew that they were dangerous, and something fatal could happen if one thing went wrong. 

"Fine," Jinx said.  "We'll just go to the abandoned parking lot on Thunder Road.  There's nothing flammable there," She walked downstairs and the others followed. 

"Colton lives around there, let's invite him to come," Tyler said as he picked up his phone and texted Colton. 

They walked to the abandoned parking lot to find Colton already there. 

"Why did I have to come here again?" Colton asked as they walked up to him. 

"Tyler has super powers!" Indigo said excitedly. 

"Oh yea, because Tyler just found out he has super powers.  Totally," Colton started to walk away, annoyed that they made him come here, just to lie to him. 

"You want proof?  I'll give you proof," Colton stopped and turned around when he heard what Tyler had said. 

Tyler closed his eyes and focused for a moment.  He could feel the fire bubbling up inside of him, getting stronger and stronger until he felt his hands getting hot.  Before he knew it, 2 streams of fire were shooting out of his hands. 

He opened his eyes and saw Colton's face.  He looked shocked.  Tyler smirked, happy that he impressed his friend, then focused again and made the fire die down until his hands were also an original color. 

"Woah, I guess you weren't lying," He said, starting to walk back over to them. 

"Tyler that was amazing!" Jinx shouted.  "You just got your powers last night and you already figured out how to control them!" 

All of Tyler's friends looked shocked and surprised on how fast Tyler had learned how to control his abilities.  Tyler finally felt like he had accomplished something, like he had actually done something that made him important.


"Tyler Wood, Jinx Jones, Colton Smith, Indigo Williams, and Gage Miller Sir."

"Those are the names of all the children?"

"Yes Sir."

"Where are they located?"

"Mystic Leaf City sir."

"Set our course West then.  We're going to Mystic Leaf."

That's Chapter 2 of Eunoia!  Sorry I wasn't able to get it out yesterday, it was pretty crazy being Christmas Eve and all.  Have a nice day and Happy Holidays!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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