Scotts Secret Santa

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Scott didn't understand what was happening around Mira, the crew was docked there for a week. At least he thought it was a week, he didn't actually know. A green, decorated tree stood tall in front of him. He stared at the shining lights. A hand on his waist made him flinch

"What is it baby?" DK asked softly. A soft hum came from him as he pulled Scott closer to his chest. "Something wrong?"

"No. I-what was that earlier?" He asked, referring to everyone drawing a name of some sort. Well, everyone but him.

"Secret Santa?"

"I think so. I don't know. You have to remember that I never technically celebrated this holiday,"

"True. You have Aeor...right?"

"The stag god. Yeah. What even is a secret Santa?" DK explained it and Scott nodded. He forced a smile, pretending that everything was fine. But in reality he felt left out

The crew had done something without him. They didn't even invite him. He understood of course, he wasn't a Christian or whatever but he felt left out.

The crew wasn't being helpful either, they all avoided the talk of Christmas around him like he was some sort of broken glass. Maybe he should've gone home and gone to the winter fest at the empires.

But he hadn't wanted to lose DK, or leave him behind. Maybe that was the problem, Scott didn't fit in. He was an elf, not a human. He didn't come from the earth like all of them did, he came from Rivendell.

DK made a few failed attempts to get Scott to be happy, but all it did was make Scott feel worse. He knew he was worrying DK, and he knew he was upsetting him. But he was just so distant from his team during the week.

He was with them when he had to be. But every other time he hid away in his room on the docked Skeld. He didn't want to be interrupting something that maybe he wasn't supposed to participate in.

"What do I do?" Scott asked out loud into the silence of his room. Of course he got no response. It was Christmas Day or something. And both the Mira and the Skeld crew were out celebrating.

He should've just gone to winter fest. At least there he wouldn't feel awkward or left out, he could be with friends. He could see his home.

He let ice particles dance around his fingers, humming softly by himself. He should definitely just go home the next time there was a celebration he would be left out on. He ran fingers through his cyan hair

He must've fallen asleep, cause when he woke up the lights were off. It was an hour until midnight, an hour until the stupid Holiday was over. He sat up and reached for the lights, flipping them on as he blinked.

A small, wrapped present sat on his dresser and he was confused. He looked at the tag and sure enough it was for him. But there was no name as to who it came from. He opened it slowly, unsure what to even make of it.

A ring was in there, Rivendells antlers printed on it with gold on top of a cyan and white swirled color. He was confused, nobody could have gotten this easily. It was something he had given to Jimmy when he left, telling Jimmy to watch over his empire.

He ran his thumb over the antlers, a smile forming over his face. How did someone get this? It obviously wasn't from Jimmy, the cod man just didn't seem to be the type. He slid the ring on his finger, it was definitely his. A small SS was carved into the golden band.

He realized there was something else in the box too, a necklace. He picked it up and realized that it matched his ring's design. But the necklace hadn't existed beforehand. It didn't matter that much to him and he put it on.

He felt special all of a sudden. But he was surprised. Nobody had said anything about getting him a gift.

The door opened and DK came in. He didn't question the box, the ring or necklace. He just slid into the bed next to Scott and pulled him close to his chest before speaking into Scotts ear.

"Merry Christmas baby,"

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