Thanksgiving on earth

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To be honest, he had no clue what they were on earth for. He assumed a holiday that humans enjoyed, like Halloween, he still didn't get it, or Easter, didn't get that one either.

But DK had grown up as a prince in a land full of wizards, the second oldest no doubt, but humans had always interested him and his only brother. But their holidays...

DK just never understood what it was.

"Ok, someone is going to have to explain thanksgiving to me," he finally said, a few hours later. It was Thursday, the day of as he had been told. Janet laughed and wore a bright smile. Despite having the smallest bit of magic in his blood, he had grown up with humans

"Well. I guess it's like a holiday where you get together with your family. You all eat together and are thankful for everything within the past year," Hafu explained. 5up, Steve and Ellum had been cooking all day so they hadn't really been seen.

At the mention of family, and home, DK felt a little sick. He missed his brother, he really did. Family? But they weren't family were they? None of them related other than the twins. Or were they in some sort of way? DK knew his bloodlines, he wasn't one of them.

"Oh," he said, looking at the ground for a moment. Maybe he should call his brother, they hadn't spoken in a while. Both were always so busy though so it wasn't necessarily his fault.

"What's wrong?" Leave it to Janet to know something was wrong. Despite it only being their first year as a crew she seemed to be able to read him easily, a lot like his brother had.

"Nothing. Holidays just confuse me," he said, a small lie but still a truth. He was homesick. He wanted to visit his home planet, he wasn't of earth descent. He missed his castle, his ability to do what he wanted when he wanted, and using magic to make his life so much easier. He needed to practice more anyway

"You sure that's it? You look like something else is bothering you," Scott said. He was from earth, but of course lived on the minecraft planet half the time. Actually, that's where DKs brother was right now.

"I'm sure, baby. I promise," he said. He pressed a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's hand. Scott was slightly taller but that didn't stop DK from being the top. Smajor could read DK easily as well, but DK was always able to put up a wall. Only one person he couldn't do that too, and that man had just come out of the kitchen

"5 says dinner is almost ready. Maybe another hour or so," Steve said, walking over to Dumbdog. Apollo held a fond smile on his face as he placed his arm around the rats waist.

"Yes, I'm so happy 5up agreed to cook," David said. They were in Hafus house on earth, David there majority of the time unless being called for Talias crew. Steve read DKs face way to easily

"DK, come help me with something," he said and dragged his partner out of the room. DK looked at the taller man in confusion as he stopped.

"What?" He asked, confusion setting in. Well, more than before

"You miss your home?" DK was in shock, Steve had really figured that out so easily? Was he that readable? "I know you too well D, want to talk about it?"

"It's not so much my home as I guess my brother. I haven't seen him or talked to him in a long time. Besides, Hafu said this holiday was for family. And I don't know what family is to humans, but for wizards it's whoever shares a. Bloodline with you,"

"DK. Family is more than that. Family is who you choose you want in your life. Closer than friends. I consider you my family," Steve rarely showed any nice emotions, pretending to be very toxic in a friendly way most of the time.

"That's not how it works," DK mumbled. He wanted to go home, he could teleport there right now. But he would disappoint his team. Steve nudged him

"Listen bud, it's a holiday for friends and family. I know going home is what you want but we want you here," DK nodded as they headed back out. Nobody asked what had happened, nobody mentioned it. DK sat down next to his boyfriend.

They turned on a movie, nothing better to do while 5up finished what food he had to make. Ellum had been kicked out, sitting next to DK and Koji curled on his lap. Lay down on top of Dumbdog on the lobe couch. Janet and Kimi had curled up together and Hafu had fallen asleep on David.

Humans confused the wizard, majorly. Holidays and terms never made sense to him but that's what he wanted to know. He let Scott press closer to him.

Humans were weird but he found them interesting, and maybe-just maybe-he could live without going home for a while. Though he really did need to go see his brother at some point

And the rest of thanksgiving-though he thought it was still a stupid name-was great. 5up finished the food, they ate and played games the rest of the day.

They would head back to the Skeld in the morning, but for now they all fell asleep watching a movie

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