Althea gave him a brief nod at this, before saying, "So? How come I've never seen you around the common room before? We seem to be in the same house." "Oh, well I'm a first year, so that might be why." It was just as Althea figured, Neville was a year below her. "You're probably right. I'm a second year, and I haven't really been paying much attention to the first years so far. I can name maybe one friend of mine off the top of my head who's a first year. He's more of an acquaintance though, I'd say. I'm just friends with his older brothers."

"Oh, really? If he's a first year I might know him." Althea gave him a small smile at this. "Well then, do you know Ron Weasley?" She said, divulging her friend's name to the younger boy. Neville perked up noticeably at this. "Yeah! We share the same dorm!" Althea couldn't help but smile wider at his enthusiasm. "That's absolutely brilliant! Do you two get along?" Neville nodded at this. "Yeah, we don't talk very much, but I'd say we get along well enough." Althea furrowed her brow at his admission, and it was then that a certain thought crossed her mind. Was there anyone he talked to very much? Surely there must be, and she was just being idiotic. "Neville....I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have many friends?" She inquired, knowing just how rude of her it may seem, but she couldn't help her curiosity. "Oh..." the boy started, his head drooping a bit as he spoke, "Not really....I mean I know some people, but I don't have anyone I'd really consider a good friend." He admitted, and the admission made something in Althea's chest ache. She smiled through the dull ache though, giving Neville a reassuring glance.

"Well, you could always consider me one."

Neville perked up noticeably at this, and Althea couldn't help the grin that broke out across her face. She hadn't been planning on making many new friends this year, but maybe, just maybe, she could make room for one exception.  

Emerson's POV

After spending some time with Fred and George to help them plan some more of their pranks in between classes, Emerson had caught up to Harry and Ron as they walked to their flying class that Gryffindor and Slytherin shared. The ebony haired Slytherin had been overjoyed when they noticed that the two houses were going to be sharing classes this year, always looking forward to spending time with some of their favorite Gryffindors.

"Hello you two!" Emerson called out as they spotted the pair walking, causing the two to pause and look back. Smiles immediately graced their faces as they spotted their friend walking towards them.

"Em!! There's our favorite Slytherin!" Harry called out in a teasing tone as said ebony haired kid rolled their eyes at his comment. Emerson was aware of the fact that not many of their friends had a good view on their house but they didn't mind, they had taken notice of how some of their fellow house members were not the nicest to others. Some Slytherins seemed to have a high view of themselves all because they were "purebloods" and that didn't sit right with Emerson.

"More like the only good one." Ron added under his breath but not quiet enough for Emerson to not catch as they shot a playful glare at him.

"Hush you two! Let's hurry so we aren't late, you two can't afford to be late to yet another class." They chimed in with a sly smirk as they wrapped their arms around Harry and Ron's shoulders and faced them back in the direction of the quidditch field.

As they arrived they had lined up next to an open broom with their fellow students, Gryffindor on one side and Slytherin on the other. Emerson managed to pick an open spot right across from one of their other friends, Hermione. They sent a small smile and wave to the brunette and she returned the gesture. Right as they had made it, the flying instructor Madam Hooch walked onto the field and towards the class.

"Good afternoon class." She announced as she quickly walked between all of the students towards the end of the rows, adjusting her gloves in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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