Chapter Three

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Althea's POV

It wasn't long before the summer had come to an end, and Althea was once again pacing the halls of the school she'd grown to love over the course of her first year.

But no matter, she was currently on her way to try out for the Gryffindor quidditch team, and pondering her circumstances wasn't going to help her do well in any sort of way. After discovering that she as a second year now had access to the privilege of quidditch, she had become eager to audition. The girl had always admired quidditch players, which was odd considering her quiet personality. And on top of that, the twins may or may not have pressured her into trying out just a bit. The two of them were part of the team as beaters, and they insisted that she'd make an amazing Chaser. She was nervous, of course, but as a Gryffindor she held just enough determination to get her through the tryouts.

As she made her way to the quidditch pitch, she gently reminded herself of what Melanie had said.

"You're going to do well. Take names, kick arse. Just don't fall off your broom." Althea couldn't help but giggle at the memory. Melanie was such a silly girl. A silly girl who was exceptionally good at motivating her best friend.

Althea was going to do well. She was sure of it.

Emerson's POV

The crisp cool Autumn air was full of noise as students from all four houses were running to their next classes, chatting with their friends, or studying. On one of the many benches in the main courtyard sat a newly assigned Slytherin by the name of Emerson Kang. Emerson was a new first year student who was 11 years old with black hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. They were sitting on the bench, keeping to themselves and reading a book, when a kid the same age as them with slicked back bleach blonde hair who was wearing the Slytherin uniform came up to them with two other kids following behind him. The ravenette hadn't noticed them, their nose in their book very obviously entranced by the contents, and this seemed to irritate the blonde. Suddenly, to get Emersons attention, the kid ripped the book out of their hands, instantly irritating them.

"What must be so important that you had to take my book I was so clearly enjoying?" The black haired Slytherin huffed out, glaring up at the blonde Slytherin before them. Said boy smirked and looked at the book in his hand absentmindedly.

"I noticed you hanging around Potter and Weasley but never got your name. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. You are?" Draco asked the fellow Slytherin before him, expecting them to have some sort of reaction to his last name. Emersons face showed no reaction to his name whatsoever, jabbing at Draco's ego.

"Emerson Kang..." They mumbled in response, quickly reaching into their cloak to find their other book to try and get out of the conversation. Emerson finally remembered who Draco was and how egotistical he came off as, not giving a good first impression with how he treated the ravenettes' three new friends. Even though they were in the same house, Emerson did not like how some of their fellow students treated others. Dracos' eyebrows furrowed in confusion at their last name, not recognizing it.

"You're not a pureblood, are you? I don't recognize your last name." The blondie piped up, finally tossing Emerson their book back. Emerson caught said book with ease, looking up at him with confusion and apprehension at his question.

"I'm not, I'm a halfblood. My mother is a muggle and my father is a wizard. Why, have a problem with that?" They snapped at Draco with narrowed eyes, not trusting him whatsoever. Said blonde looked slightly taken aback, not expecting the quiet and meek Slytherin to snap at him.

"I usually do, however, you seem alright. Not everyone can stand up to a Malfoy. Why not ditch those three and be friends with a pureblood like myself? If you'd help me with homework, of course." The Slytherin replied, a smug look on his face. Instantly this struck a nerve in Emerson, the ravenette standing up and locking their brown eyes with his striking blue eyes and glaring directly into them, their brown eyes flashing red for just a moment.

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