Chapter 2 : Trip

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"Cheng Cheng" he jumped on the said boy while grinning.

"What the fuck! Get off me you brat! And whom are you calling Cheng Cheng , huh?!"

The boy who was supposed to be Cheng Cheng shook off the grinning boy of his back.

"Of course you are my Cheng Cheng. Come on, don't be shy didi."

"Shut Up Wei Wuxian! Don't call me that"

Jiang Yanli just shook her head while listening to his brothers bickering. she said,

" okay okay A-Xian, A-Cheng stop fighting now or we are going to be late. Mom and dad are waiting for us in dad's office, don't forget that. "

" Tell him that he keeps messing around" Jiang Cheng said.

Wei Ying just grinned.

"Get in the car now" Yanli said after getting in .

"Yayyy!!! Let's go to trip!!!! Woohoooo!!"

Wei Ying cheered and sit in the car. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli just smiled at his excitement.

Wei Ying may sound like a teen but he's already 25 years old, Famous artist. But he never goes public.

His brother Jiang Cheng is only 7 months younger than him. He is Lan Xichen's assistant, has a secret crush on him 😜.

Jiang Yanli is 30 and already married. His husband Jin Jixuan is a businessman who is currently in USA for some work .

Wei Ying's parents was best friends of Jiang siblings parents. When his parents died they adopted 3 years old Wei Ying and brought him up like there own son.

Back to the story,

so today they all are going on a family trip for 1 week since it's been a long they all went out together. They are going to Shanhai. Picking up their parents from office they will go to airport.

In Lan Zhan's office~

Lan Zhan was checking the documents when his secretary came.

" Sir, "


"Chairman wants to see you. He is waiting for you in his office."

Lan Zhan frowned.

The chairman is obviously his dad who rarely comes to office after handing out all responsibility to him.

So it maybe something important that he personally come to meet him. He just went to meet his dad.

After entering his dad's office he greeted,


His dad looked at him with a smile on his face,

"Oh my god, Son , you are getting more handsome day by day. How are you doing? It's been long since we met."

"Dad, we just met two days ago."

"Come on son, don't be such a bore! Two days ! 48 hours! 7200 seconds! "

".... it's 172,800 seconds... "

" It was supposed to be a joke...." His dad pouted.


" Okay fine. No more jokes. " His dad said, laughing.

" The reason I called you today, you know the company we recently bought in Shanghai? "

" You mean that R. K company?" ***Sorry I can't think of any company name***

" Yes that one. So the thing is , since the company went bankrupt before we bought it , there are many things needed to be settled. There are many new employees too. They need someone to supervise them and I think you are the best one who can supervise them perfectly. So what do you think? Will you go?" His dad said.

" Okay. As dad asked personally, I will go." Lan Zhan said.

" Good that's my boy. Let's get some lunch together. It's already luch time.



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