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I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright lights.

I looked around, realising im in the hospital bed bed again.

It felt like deja vu.

I couldn't feel anything.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something.

Better yet, someone.

It was Hyunjin.

I suddenly felt happy.

I felt at home.

He noticed my open eyes.

"Y-you're awake! Seungmin... You're awake!"

He cried, as he smiled.

But this wasn't a sad smile.

It was a happy smile.

Finally, a happy smile.

I love his smile.

His real smile.

His expression suddenly fell.

He looked into my eyes.

He looked at me with those beautiful ocean eyes.

I got lost in them.

I always got lost in the sea of his eyes.

He has pretty eyes.

"Do- do you remember me Seungmin...?"

I didn't answer.

Insted, I smiled at him.

He looked confused.

With the littel energy I had.

I reached out to hold his hand.

I liked his hands.

They perfectly fit in mine.

He was pretty.

So pretty.

I closed my eyes.

And I put his hand over my heart.

"W-what are you doing-"

"Can you feel my heartbeat?"

I could feel him visibly stiffen.

"Yes... Yes I can"

"It's beating for you, Hyunjin"

I opened my eyes.

He's on the verge of tears again.

But he's smiling.

A very happy smile.

His pretty smile.

I look into his eyes.

"You remember..."

He whispered

"Hey, Hyunjin?"

He breaks down in tears, smile still on his face.

"Yes, prince?"

I hated that name.

But i love it when he calls me that.

"I love you, Hwang Hyunjin"


Remember Me Not | SeungJinWhere stories live. Discover now