Chapter 6 || Sarah

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    Two days have lasted before another incident with my father happened. I noticed that he was more irritable in the past few days, but I didn't know why. I only made sure to not upset him, I didn't want him to set his sights on me. My mom wasn't as lucky as me though, my father yelled at her all the time he was at the house. He didn't hit her, not that I know of, but the things he said to her were really bad. I would have burst into tears if he would have said me those things.

    I'm starting to ask myself if my mom likes to be treated that way. She could leave, but she decides to stay in that miserable life. Okay, I know it's more complicated than that, but if only she would let me do something to help her... I would like to be the person who saves her from my dad. And after, we could live a better life, just the two of us. But I know it will not happen, it's just a stupid dream. If only I could change her mind, she would be so much happier. And me too by this very fact.

    Everything's calm at my house at the moment, my father is working later today, but I'm scared of what will happen when he'll arrive. Every time he came back from work in the last couple of days, his mood was worse than the day before, so I wonder how he'll be today. I guess that something might be happening at his work and I hope it will stop soon.

    I am quietly drawing when I hear someone slamming the front door. I stop to draw and I walk to my closed door. I don't open it though, I put my ear against it to hear what is going on. I guess it's my dad because I hear him taking his boots and his jacket off aggressively. I don't know what ruined his mood like that, but I'm sure as hell that I'm not leaving my bedroom.

    I hear the whisper of little feet on the staircase, so I think my mom is now in front of my dad, if he's still in the hall. Suddenly, what I hear from my bedroom are my dad's shouts about my mom. "You're always in the way Eden, fuck you!" "I said I didn't wanna talk, are you deaf!?" "You're useless, get out of the way!!" She apologizes and I wince, I don't like the way my father treats my mom.

    When I thought it was over for today, I hear the impact of my dad's hand on my mom's cheek. I close my eyes and inhale with difficulty. It is horrible to know what my father does to my mom, but not to be able to do anything about it. A tear rolls down on my cheek when I hear my mom crashing on the wall and I wipe it off with the back of my hand. I continue to hear my dad yell at my mom and I can't hold the tears anymore, I let them flow quietly on my cheeks.

    I hear that my father hits my mom a lot, it scares the shit out of me. No, I can't stay here with my dad any longer. Leave. I have to leave this place. All I am thinking about right now is how I am gonna do it and I have to find out. Because if I stay any longer in this house, I am gonna die. That's what crosses my mind and yes, I have to leave. Maybe I can't save my mother, but I can at least save myself.

    I quietly open my bedroom door and I can see my parents across the corridor, my mom sitting on the floor and my dad pointing her and yelling at her. Horror and anger take control over my body at the view of my poor mom, skinny and traumatized, with blood coming out of her nose. I want to go help her, but I have to save myself first to be able to save her.

    I turn to the left, making sure none of my parents can see me and I walk to the nearest phone. I look at the recent calls and I see that a number, that I don't know who it belongs to, called at my house two days ago. The day when Miss Paulson came to visit me at the hospital... There is not a lot of people who call here, so I presume it might be her phone number.

    But is it a good idea to call her though? She always told me that if there was anything, I could talk to her, but I don't know if she meant that I could call her. And to say what? That my father is abusing my mom and that I don't know what to do? Well, it would be the truth, but what could she do to help me?

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