Chapter 12

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Time to go set up for the dance with Dali, and crissie. We're the dance co-ordinators.
I told them about how David likes me alot (or no I was lied to) and is going to ask out Lisa. Crissie Came up to me and gave me a big hug. "Who needs some stupid boy when you have us!?" She said perkily. The people started coming in. Not a formal dance. Jeans and a t-shirt kinda dance. Crissie pulled me into the teacher bathroom. (We're allowed in cause we're directors) "Rosie, don't let this boy take your heart, cause when you break-up, well if you date, he will know too much and be able to hurt you easily, even more than he already has, the kisses will mean so much and then nothing, he could easily destroy you, it happened to me, be careful babe" she said teary eyed. "Oh my god crissie I had no idea I'm so sorry!" I said.
"Just don't let it happen to you" she asked.
We hugged and went about our night. I thought David would ignore me forever, but around halfway thru the dance he comes up to me and asks my opinion of him going out with Lisa. "I don't know maybe there is another girl with a crush on you" I said hintingly he didn't take the hint.

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