Part 6

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51) #Thinkin Is it weird that the actual Christmas date is pretty much arbitrary?

52) #Thinkin My mom is funny. She'll impulsively buy whatever catches her eye whether or not it's actually a good idea - I get a lot of odd gifts.

53) #Thinkin Pretty glad I don't have a birthday around Christmas time! #feelsorryforthosekids

54) #Thinkin I love coming up with creative gift ideas, it's actually my favorite part of Christmas I think.

55) #Thinkin Christmas music is pretty set in stone. - it's pretty rare to be able to break a song into the canon.

56) #Thinkin I wonder what it's like to celebrate Christmas in a different culture where you're the minority.

57) #Thinkin My favorite memories of Christmas are waking up at 6 am to build my new legos before I had to go to school. #wedidchristmasearly

58) #Thinkin As you get older, truly the best Christmas present is being home for it.

59) #Thinkin I always feel sorry for those who have to work on holidays. Give 'em some extra love.

60) #Thinkin Peace on earth and good will towards all. Seems like good words to live by.

#Thinkin -Chris RuppWhere stories live. Discover now